September (Part 2)

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16th September:

Last night I dreamt I was studying in the library, Weems sat down next to me and closed the book I was reading.
"My office. Now" she ordered.
I followed her through the school and it felt like we were moving in slow motion. Her high heels echoed through the halls and everyone around us was just a blur. Now and then she would turn her head and smile at me.
When we finally reached her office the door was already open and we stepped inside. But where her desk had been replaced a large bed. She pushed me onto it and started stripping herself of her clothes. I couldn't take my eyes off her; the hypnotic way her body moved, the lustful way she looked at me, the way her dress fell...

BEEP! BEEP! BEEEEP! My alarm clock started beeping loudly. I whacked the button on the top to shut it up. How dare it interrupt my sexy dream about Weems! I desperately tried to fall back asleep to pick up where we left off but no luck. I growled in frustration. A few seconds more and I would have seen what was under that dress...

21st September:

I got called to Weems' office today, my first meeting with her this semester. Although it was just to fill out a survey I was excited about it, I love just being in her presence!

As soon as my final class ended I made my way (rather quickly) to her office, knocked on the door and she called me in.
"Ah Ms. Blake, how nice to see you. Please take a seat" and she gestured to the chair in front of her desk.
"I just need you to fill in this survey about your fencing classes, as a beginner we're interested to know how you're finding it" she said, handing me the form.
"Um...OK, I'm not very good at it but it's fun,'' I said.
But as I reached out to take it I noticed my hand had turned invisible and I pulled away.
"Are you OK Nicola?" Weems asked, concerned by the look of horror on my face.
"It's fine" I lied, staring at where my hand should be. I knew what was happening, when I'm stressed or nervous parts of my body start to turn invisible on their own. Weems is aware of this from my records, one time I disappeared completely when she walked past me in the corridor!
"Do I still make you nervous?" she asked with a hint of flirtation. Not what I needed right now!
"W-well you are the Principal" I tried to laugh it off but the truth was that she did make me very nervous. She smirked as she put the form down, she could tell I was lying.
"It's OK dear" she said soothingly, "just close your eyes and take a few deep breaths".
I closed my eyes and filled my lungs with air, her rose fragrance hitting my nostrils. I opened my eyes and she was smiling at me, not in her usual "polite teacher" kind of way but in a loving motherly way. I looked down at my hand and it was visible again.
"There. Now why don't you take this form back to your room and hand it to me tomorrow?"
"OK, thank you Principal Weems" I gathered my stuff and practically ran out of the room. I was so embarrassed, I'd made a fool of myself in front of her of all people!

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