chapter 2

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Phoenix pov
Groggily waking up from my sleepy state, I make my way downstairs and towards the door. " You better have a.... ooo hi" stood at the door was Ava and liam. Both of them wearing big smiles, and thats when I smelt it. They had mated already. " errr come in I guess" quickly moving out of the way I let them both into the house, and im not gonna lie it didnt look very clean, it looked like a pack of slobs lived here. " Sorry if we woke you, I just wanted to say thank you for being a great friend and opening my eyes to what I wouldnt let them see" Ava reached up and gave me a hug, I saw a small glimpse of sadness flash through liams eyes as she move away from him. Did Alex ever do that? "Have you told Dylan yet?" I saw hurt flash through her eyes, liam growled lowly at the mention of his name, " oy, alpha or not I will kick your arse if you growl in my house again" he nodded before wrapping his arm around Avas waist and burying his nose into her neck. "Well love birds, im tired and am in great need of beauty sleep so if you dont mind... shoo please" quickly dusting them out of the door, I then slammed it shut and hitting my back against it I slid down and curled up into a ball.

Salty tears slid down my face, the emptiness slowly eating away at me. I couldnt bare to look at them any longer, the love and adoration they had when looking into eachothers eyes knocked me sick, im not going to lie im truly happy for them but I will never have that again ever. I mean come on, im a mateless 20 year old, who couldnt make a desperate persons head turn, Alex only wanted me because of the bond. ' Phoenix dont think like this please, we are going to have a pack' chels voice full of concern. I know she feels exactly like me, we are the same. ' chel, in death we can be reunited, you will finally see his beautiful wolf again' she knows deep down what im sayings true however she has never been one to use the easy way out in life. I quickly blocked of our link. I have to be strong, for Dylan, yes Dylan he has nobody till he finds his mate.

Ava said it yesterday, im strong. I cant let these thoughts control me, Alex wouldnt want me to whimp around like I am. I need to be strong like I was yesterday, I need to train and help others. I need to concentrate on something other then the pain and emptiness. I quickly run up stairs and get into the bath with a note pad and pen. I began writing my daily routine:-
- 9.00am wake up, get sorted
-10.00am go to the gym for 4 hours
-2.00pm eat
-2.30pm go on a run, wolf
-4.00pm work
-6.00pm eat
-7.00pm visit someone
-9.00pm sleep
I smile at myself, with everything on this list I should be preoccupied for the entire day leaving no room for thoughts. And when I leave in 1 week I should be to preoccupied with all the work that comes with being an alpha that I wont be able to get caught up in my thoughts.

Quickly, I got out of the luke walm water and wrapped a towl around myself, I quickly get dressed into my training gear, put my hair into a messy bun and make my way down stairs. I quickly put some fruit, and yoghurt together with a cup of apple juice. Im not going to be one of those stereotypical girls that starves herself when something bad happens to their mate. After downing my breakfast I make myself some cheese sandwiches for dinner. I then slowly make my way towards the gym. Once I arrive I notice that a few of the trainers are in there on the weights, " hey, louie do you mind if we train?" He slammed the weights down before standing up straight, he made a gruff noise before telling me to follow him outside. "Righy, first I want you to walm up...." after walming up all of my slightly tense muscles we began to train, hard.

"Phoenix, focus" he said for the billionth time, I am focused sorta. His fist comes flying for my face and I only miss it by about half an inch. I quickly duck and twist my body in a circle with my left leg stuck out causing him to fall flat on his back, without wasting any time I kick him hard in the ribs causing him to groan out in pain, I then punch him square in the face and somehow turn his body, so he is on his front. I then dislocate both of his shoulders causing him to scream slightly in pain. " SUBMIT" I growl loudly not wanting to hurt him anymore, I feel his body stop fighting and his head fall down. Yes. I quickly un dislocate his shoulders and help him get up. "Who the hell taught you that?" I know hes on about the whole shoulder blade thing, " well lets just say when I was younger I wanted to be a doctor" a small smile made its way onto my face. "Well, when fighting that is a great move to use, can you dislocate other parts?" Another smile made its way onto my face, he is the only member who hasnt gave me a sympathetic look because of Alex. " Yeah, I can dislocate them all" he seemed interested in what I had to say. " sorry I have to go, same time tomorrow then " I quickly nodded before he took of towards the woods.

I stayed ay the gym for the remaining 2 hours and mainly worked on punches and kicks. When it finally came to dinner I was relieved, the hunger had been eating away at me for a short while. Once I was finished, I shifted into my wolf and began doing laps around the border, I occasionally I would let my wolf take full control and let her kill a dear or two. Once I was done I got a short shower to get rid of all the sweat before putting a pair of ripped black skinny jeans on with a loose baby pink sweater and a pair of of baby pink converse. I quickly make my way over to the pack hospital.

"Hello, dr Harris, I was wandering if you needed any help today" a sympathetic smile appeared on her face, "are you sure?" Her voice full of concern for my well being. I just nodded my head and she lead me off in the direction of the children's ward. "We have a new nurse starting today, I know you are great with the children on the ward. Please can you show her the ropes. Thanks" she left me in a newly furbished staff room before walking back. I waited for about 2 minutes before the new nuse arrived. She had chocolate brown hair and the walmest golden coloured eyes ever, her hair was pulled back into a secure pony, she was a simular height to me about 5ft 5 or 6. "Hi, you must be Phoenix, dr Harris told me to meet you, she said you would show me the ropes and stuff" she stuck her arm out waiting for me to shake it, " umm yeah thats me, britney is it? Well lets get started you have lots to learn about this place" after quickly shaking her hand we began making our way around the hospital. " As you can probably tell not many pups come in here, its only often used for the newly born pups" she nodded and I could see her taking a mental note.

After our little tour she got stuck in looking around the other wards and I occupied my self talking to the Elizabeth, she is about 8 years old and was blinded when her brother first shifted. He never forgave himself for what he did but she did. "So how have you been?" I saw an excited smile form onto her lips as she recognised my voice, "phoenix, im soo much happier know, mum is just talking to the doctor about an operation that might help me see" she began clapping her hand, a huge smile fell onto my face, " my gosh lizzi thats fantastic, bet you can't wait to find out" she just nodded her head before running off towards her mum. Although shes blind she all of her other senses are incredibly strong, if you didnt know she was blind you wouldnt believe her. "Oh hello phoenix, nice to see you, I send you my reggards about Alex" I felt my wolf whimper slightly, I just nodded before she walked off with her daughter.

" Dr Harris, is there anything else you wish for me to do before I leave?" She looked up from a document, a small frown on her face "phoenix, I know what your doing, busying yourself to stop you thinking about it wont help, it will make things worse. Go home and get some rest. See you tomorrow? " I smiled slightly, she wanted me to come back. I silently closed her door before making my way home.

When I got in I decided to make myself some tuna pasta with salad and some pre made jelly. After eating my feast fit for 1, I sat back on the wacky sofa that I had convinced Alex to get when we move in here. I slumped down and put netflix on, ' Pretty little liars'. Can I just say if you havent watched or like this show then you need your head testing, this show is key to every girls survival. After watching 2 episodes I decided to make my way to Dylans house.

" Did you know?" The first words are what came out of his mouth as he saw me stood there in the doorway, " yes, but before you flip it wasnt my place to tell you" he just looked down a little, "I dont yhink I can ever love again nixy, she broke my heart and I dont think she cares" I feel for him I really do but its not like she was his mate or anything, " like I said to Ava yesterday, you and your wolf could never fully commit yourselfs to Ava because she isnt the one your heart desires. Think about it, if you could love her this much then how much could you love your soulmate" I then saw something almost click, he understands what im saying. " Your right, Alex was so lucky to have you its a shame he never really appreciated you enough" the smile quickly fell from my face. "What are you talking about? Dylan" I saw and heard him take a large intake of breath. " He wasnt really your mate, he paid a witch to make you believe it because he wanted to be alpha of your pack" and thats when I felt it, the knife in my heart being twisted. My father was telling the truth all along

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