Chapter 6

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"GET UP" shooting up I see Xavier in the center, I realize that I'm not the only one who has had to endure this horrid wake up call. Sun isn't even in the sky yet. "What would you do if someone was here! Get your lazy arses out of bed" his voice so loud that it was leaving a slight echo.

Standing up I stretch my aching joints, "don't worry princess you'll get used to it" cassie yawned. "So how was your walk last night?"Cassies voice holding humour, "nice, its so magical here at night" my face obviously red.

"So it has nothing to do with your kiss" Cassie's face lost its colour ever so slightly, turning around I came face to face with Xavier.

"I would like you to run perimeter of the area before we set off" Cassie had a puzzled look on her face but did as she was asked.

"Unlike the rest of my pack you are not trusted as of yet. This will prevent you from visiting the human world, here's a pen and paper, write down what you need and I will give it to Cassie" handing me a pen and paper he arubtly walked off.

Well umm what do I really need, a sleeping bag, blanket, tooth brush and paste, a brush, deodorant, shampoo...."and you can carry all of this stuff without falling behind the pack, yes?" Turning around I'm greeted by a middle aged woman.

Her features are very masculine, her eyes are a golden brown and her hair black. Surprisingly she is very small yet still has intimidating aura.

"A lot of the important things have already been bought and often carried by the travelers" laughing a little I rub my eyes a little, scribbling out my original list the older woman who I learn is called molly helps me make a short list.

Mollys a very nice lady, she told me about the horrific story about her old pack, and about how when someone called Damian took over the pack became more like the slave trade. She and a few others got away and that's where she found Xavier .

"Right I'm going to have to go dear, the packs getting ready to leave" smiling I wave good bye before crawling into my blanket, its warm walls surrounding me. I surpose a nap wouldnt hurt, closing my eyes I let breathing go steady before drifting off into darkness.

When I nap I fall into a light sleep, so when I feel something hovering above me I do what any wolf would do, open my eyes and woop that persons are.

Opening my eyes without glancing at the person I start to fight, punching them in the stomach hearing a slight groaning I push them onto their backs.

Relief comes onto my face when I see Xavier however he doesn't look to impressed. " what the hell was that for? And I don't like this position" swiftly switching our bodies around I'm no longer on top.

"Better. Know come on what was Jackie Chan all about" a small smile lights my face at the reference to like one the best martial artists.

"You should know don't wake an alpha like that, especially while she is sleeping" trying to push his body off me I am greeted nothing, no movement what so ever.

"You really think that I would let you just up and leave after you tried to hit me and tell Cassie about a supposed kiss, I don't think so miss". Sighing I lean onto the floor.

"Wait you said try, I did hit you..." Wiggling my arm a little "right here" placing my left hand on the top of his abdomen. Getting off me he growls childishly before running off.

I smile to myself knowing that I have hurt his pride big time .

Folding the blanket I set of through the forest, its beauty has be calling for me all morning, and my wolf wants to be free for a short while, it is her instinct to be free.

"Omg I can't believe you punched that she only said that you looked like a grease monke....oh hey phoenix" Cassie's voice the loudest out of the lot. To left of Cassie I see a smallish looking teen beside her.

" thats why I needed to go to town, some idiot keeps on wasting all the shampoo"huffing she stomps off. Smiling I walk up to Cassie and take my things off her.

Thanking her I make my way over towards our belongings. Well blanket that isnt actually mine. Opening up the bag I take out everything I asked for.

"Did you know they charge you 5p for crap plastic bags. 5 god damn p" Cassie grumbles, looking at her I see that she has quiet a few bags, more than I originally thought.

"I spend £2 on the bags alone, urgh stupid humans any excuse to make money" I start to giggle at her ranting.

"So how was your alone time with Mr matey, his scent is all over you" her voice turning playful, wiggling her eyebrows. I swear this girl can go from bitch to 5 year old on Christmas real quick.

"Oh yeah, the gerk tried to wake me up from my nap so I did what anybody would do if they thought someone was trying to attack them. I beat his ass, good and proper" smiling I recall the memory.

"Oh so no more kissing" she puts a pout on, and I lightly smack her arm playfully. "How do you even know about that kiss?" My face properly twisted in confusion.

"I followed you", I was worried you where leaving so I had to make sure you weren't and well yeah.

"You looked like you and .... Oh afternoon alpha, phoenix just told me how she whooped your ass" Cassie then patted his shoulder.

"I hope she didn't hurt you big ego too much know"

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