chapter 5

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Phoenix pov
After everything that had happened during such a short period of time it made me realise that being in a rouge pack, new members are stupid enough to challenge their alpha. "Get some rest, tomorrow we will wake up at dawn and make our way to the humans territory to buy essentials" many just nodded their heads before going of to find a place to sleep.

I decided to go near cassie as she seemed harmless, she probably wasnt but she did strike me as the kind of person who will happily remove my face while I sleep. "so my merry friend, phoenix? Why did you risk your own safety to save your lunas. And how did you manage to convince grumpy over there" her voice hushed so only I could hear, "I guess with her being one of my best friends I couldnt let her risk her life and her unborn babies lives to be taken. And I guess being a pure blood alpha made him change his mind" shrugging my shoulders.

"Well I'll tell you something I shouldnt but oh well, a few months back when we where going past your old packs territory, xavier smelt his mate. He spent weeks coming up with the perfect plan to take her, of course this was a 1 alpha mission. Nobody knows exactly what happened when he met her but she didnt return with him. For several months he has been reckless killing anyone who dared to question his leadership or just at the wrong place at the wrong time, as im sure you saw. That guy james had been spreading rumours that he had killed his mate and was going to kill us, his pack if we didnt follow him, of course I was jusr making life easier for your mate" what she had said just kept going over and over in my mind, " wait, but we arent mates, like I said before he was going to take Emily meaning that they're actually mates" I accidently say out loud. Cassie just shakes her head, " he knew that you'd take her place, he planned everything like he knew she would run off when she found out her mate was stopping destiny. Can we talk tomorrow im shattered" she then roles over onto her side so that her body faces away from my own.

Sighing feeling utterly confused, I relax and let my body hit the floor. 'Chel, how come we didnt feel the pull when he came months ago' a slight whimper in my voice 'Alexs spell was strong, their is nothing we could have done to stop the pull we had towards him' she sighs. Rolling onto my side I close my eyes waiting for sleep to come, but it didnt. Giving up I let the blanket cassie lent me fall to the ground. I cautiously began maneuvering around the lifeless sleeping bodies. I silently thank the mood goddess that I didnt wake anyone up. Slowly wandering around I take in the the beauty of the forrest know that the moon light reflects and bounces on the river and the surrounding plants and bugs.

To preoccupied with its magical glow I dont hear anyone come up beind me, until its to late. I feel a walm breath at the back of my neck, causing ripples of pleasure to surge through my body. My wolf purring at the closeness with our mate, he then roughly turns my body to face his his green eyes staring straight into my soul. " Why are you awake?" His voice calm steady, his hands still resting on my shoulders making me feel a sense of comfort and belonging. " Well, I couldnt sleep and thought a walk might help" I smile a little realising that probably sounds stupid. " Well, next time dont. You never know what monsters are hiding In the dark, my little nixa " his breath fanning over my face. I hadn't realised that he had been walking me backwards until my back hit a tree, almost bringing me out of my surreal state.

"Monsters dont scare me, I can fight my own battles" my voice wavering a little, " no, no, no my little nixa. You may be a big girl but there are even bigger men" he whispers, he slowly begins moving his hands down my arm until we are hand in hand. "Your lucky, I'll protect you" he then slowly moves his head away from my ear and we lock eyes. Pure lust runs through them. " Why didnt you take me when you saw me why wait?" My curiosity about what cassie had said slipping through my lips. He then slowly moves his head to my other ear, biting it a little. "Nixa, would you have believed me? No. Would I be able to make you mine? No. All because that power hungry man you called your mate tricked you and I didnt want to waste my time like a lost puppy running after you" he then moved his hand, and tucked a fly away hair behind my ear. "Just one last thing...." he then smashes his lips onto my own, his body and the tree caging me in. His lips are soft, but the kiss anything but gentle. The kiss is full of lust. He licks my lips asking for entrance, to which I deny. He bites my bottem lip causing me to gasp in surprise, he then begins to dominate the kiss something I dont mind.

After a few minutes he suddenly removes his lips. Both of us gasping a little for air, however he continues kissing down to the nape of my neck where he would mark me, and make me his. " This is mine" he then places feather kisses along it. " I will not hesitate to kill any male who dares to look at you with lust in his eyes" my wolf yikes at our mate being posessive of us. 'Your finally excepting the bond' chel sounds relieved and content. "We have a long journey in the morning, go and get some rest little nixa" he then places a kiss on my fore head. " Why little nixa? I mean of all the nicknames, why? Im not little if anything im tall for a girl at 5ft 9inches" I turn around and see him standing their with an almost smirk on his face, " because your little to me nixa, Night" and with that I make my way back to camp. A stupid grin on my face. I never, ever thought I would be this happy when alex died, but boy was I so very wrong.


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