chapter 3

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Phoenix pov
Without giving him chance to utter another word I grab him by his throat, yanking him of the ground I thunderously growl into his face. I see him cower slightly, " HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOW?" Feeling my canines coming and going as I try desperately to calm my wolf down, " the day he died, he told me that in the beginning it was for power, but he grew to become fond of you" I could hear feet thudding in the distance, " But he never loved you, the way you did him" without thinking twice I lower him down to then give him the hardest kick towards the side of his hip. Just then the alpha walked in, " did you know?" My voice falling dangerously low, almost like a scaring technique. I saw something in his eyes, and I heard his heart pick up ever so slightly, " you have to let me...." I didnt even let him finish, I punched him across the face leaving a gleaming red mark against his cheek.

" DONT YOU DISRESPECT ME"his voice shook the walls and cause everyone to cower in fear, I had only ever heard him use that tone of voice before and it was when his mate Emily had been kidnapped. "YOU LOST THAT RIGHT WHEN YOU KEPT THAT FROM ME, THANKS TO YOU MY REAL MATE DOESNT KNOW IF HE EVEN HAS A MATE" my voice just as raised as his, my body shaking. I then saw Emily walk through the door and place a cautious hand against his shoulder instantly relaxing him, "Yesterday was the hardest day of my life, and you just watched me break from the inside. And you knew all along that he wasnt even mine" tears slipping from my eyes. However, through my blurry eyes I could see the look of betrayal on Emilys face, she didnt know. Her body became frigid as she backed away from him, "your not my mate, my mate wouldnt be so cowardly" I heard her sob. " Emily, please I did it to protect her, the rouge pack that attacked last night was the pack her mother originally belonged to, Alex said that she would be easier to protect from our pack due to the distance" I saw her shaking her head before running off into the night. "You know that the main reasons for leaving my pack was because of what my father did to my mother and him believing that Alex wasnt my true mate nothing else!" I heard him let out a defeated sigh. " Oh and Dylan, come near me again and I wont hesitate to kill you"i growl out. Without another word I slammed the door shut ans began making my journey home.

'HELP, PLEASE HELP' I heard Emily's voice screaming through the link, I was almost home when I smelt the rouge. Without thinking about it I quickly shifted and began to follow her scent. When I arrived I saw Emily passed out on the floor clutching her arm. I quickly turned around sensing someone behind me, causing me to growl lowly. Out from the shadows stood a large dirty blonde wolf. Without a second thought I attacked the rouge aiming straight for its throat, I missed but bit out a massive chunk out of his shoulder causing him to howl out in pain. He then quickly for my snout, thankfully he missed. He then retreated, wtf. But I didn't give it a second glance, I quickly shifted, and picked Emily up the best I could although she's pregnant she is still fairly light. 'Alpha your mate' I quickly told him, within seconds I saw him appear from the shadows. " Oh baby, why didn't you call for me, I could have helped you" he buried his head into her neck in hailing her scent to help comfort him and his wolf. I heard her whimper slightly and she then buried her head into his chest.

Just then a pack of our warrior's surrounded the 3 of us in the clearing, "alpha is our luna ok" I heard one of them ask, but he didn't reply instead he just kept sniffing her scent. After a short while I saw her body shudder and her eyes open slightly, " phoenix did they hurt you? Im sorry I just didnt want to see Robert so instead I called for you. I know it was foolish im sorry" I just nodded telling her that it was ok, before standing up and attempting to leave the circle, "phoenix, do you mind if I sleep at yours tonight" her voice full of hope I heard Rob whimper at what she said. "Emily, your best staying with your mate, he can protect you better than I ever can" I saw her pout a little before nodding, happy that she understood. "ALPHA, THEY'RE ATTACKING THE PACK HOUSE" I heard Rob growl thunderously, " jonh, mark guard your luna with your life, take her to phoenixs house" jonh picked her up and they took of to my home. " The rest you you follow me" we all shifted and began pounding towards the pack house. I saw the rouges ripping apart everyone, the warriors, the protective mothers and their children. 'Alpha what have you done to piss them off? I thought we got rid of them yesterday? ' I ask through the link, ' I dont know, but we cant take much more of this, phoenix I dont think they are from the same rouge pack' I could hear worry in his voice, he thinks he has failed as an alpha. ' the obviously want someone or something, speak to their alpha' I saw him nod before we took of to find him. Without a second thought I lunged my body at 1 of the wolves attempting to kill the pack doctor. I grabbed onto his back with my claws causing him to focus on me, out the corner of my eye I saw the doctor thank me before running off towards the wounded. The wolf infront of me screamed power, but not enough to be an alpha or beta. I can take him.

He lunged at me clawing me in the face, whimpering slightly I didnt hesitate to sink my teeth into his neck, the smug look his wolf had gone. Without a second glance I left him to die, alone. I began helping women and children into the house, you see when I was with Alex he would dismiss my pleas to fight, but know he is dead nothing is stopping me. I quickly shifted before going into the house and locking the hide out, I then locked all the doors. ' Phoenix, come I have found the leader' without thinking I picked up the alphas scent and made my way to the clearing I found Emily in. " Give her to me" from a distance I could see Emily, trapped against some hot ass guy, his hair as black as my wolfs fur, his piercing green eyes narrowed, his muscles on full show allowing me to admire their beauty, his 6ft 5 frame towering over Rob. Getting out of my thoughts I heard chel repeating something, wait did the alpha want me to attack him while he was preoccupied. I quickly shifted and began creaping behind the alpha holding my luna. Without wasting another thought I lunged at him and sunk my teeth into his arm causing him to drop Emily, 'MATE, MATE, MATE' chel began screaming. I quickly sunk my teeth in deeper until I heard a loud snap, 'what happened last time, dont be foolish' I muttered before blocking her out. Without a second thought I shifted and stood protectively infront of my alpha and luna. " Shouldnt have done that, know you have to de aswell" his voice causing a shiver of pleasure to run up my spine, something Alex never did.

"Why are you hear alpha...." I said authority in my voice as I ignored his question, " oh dear, im alpha Xavier" my mouth went dry and I felt my body become frigid. This guy wasnt even supposed to even exist, sure there where rumours that he was a force to reckoned with, but what the hell would he want with us. " why are you hear? Why this pack?" My voice failing me, his eyes narrowed before he laughed making him appear mad, I didnt, say anthing funny? "Oh sweetheart, I was just board and felt like stretching my legs and then boom here I am talking to a freak" my wolf whimpered, she really believes this monster is my, our mate no chance. " But, I know realise I can get a luna out of it, it makes the game more fun" monster, monster, monster the only thoughts running through my mind. I heard Emily's crys muffled my Robs chest, his growling growing louder. " Why have a luna, when you can have an alpha female" I saw his face change, twisted slightly in confusion, " I have pure alpha blood running through my veins, why take a wolf who was mated into the role when you can have someone built to take anything and everything. Take me and leave this pack alone" Emilys cries grew, her weak voice pleading to let him take her, but I just ignored her. " Robert, keep her safe and dont lose her trust anymore then you already have" he just nodded before running off to their house.

I closed my eyes letting out I tired breath, when my eyes where open I was surrounded by about 40 other wolves. " This she wolf has bargained her own freedom for her packs lifes, you will not talk, or show her any form of kindness. She is a prisoner" his voice full of authority, my wolf purring peaceful in my head, ' did you not hear him, im a prisoner not a mate, get over your crush' I raise my voice at my wolf. " Girl, what is your name?" Alpha Xavier asked, "phoenix, alpha" a sinister smile makes it way to his plump lips, " will you rise from the ashes when you die, would you like to find out" I heard the rouges chanting the word 'yes'. It was then that I felt something smack me on the back of my head, knocking me out like a light, "sleep tight, nixa".

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