Chapter Three

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   Dhruv had to wake up at 7 in the morning because that was when Riyan woke up. After feeding Riyan and burping him and putting him to sleep, he put him in a stroller.

    Khushi was still asleep and he knew that slept late whenever she had a day off. The girl loved her sleep; he knew that. He decided to take Riyan down with him and have some breakfast.

    By the time he reached the hotel buffet, it was already nine. The place was crowded and the only empty table he could find was the one with his father. He loaded his tray with the basic items and walked to the table where his father sat.

      "Can I sit here?" He asked. God, it was humiliating to ask him that, Dhruv thought. His father only grunted which he took as a yes and set down the tray and pulled the stroller beside him.

     The silence was suffocating until his father decided to ask him, "Where is your wife? What's her name? Khushi, was it?"

    Dhruv tried to keep his anger in check and stopped gripping the fork tightly. "She's asleep."

      To that, his father only shook his head and gave a grunt which he translated as unsatisfactory. That irked him greatly so he asked,

     "Where's your wife?"

    He had refused to call his second wife as mother, not even stepmother from the moment he had married her. It was one of the main reasons why there was a strain in their relationship.

        His father only glared at him and went back to sipping his chai.

      "Why didn't you tell us that you had a son?"

      He put down his fork scoffing. The man hadn't even called him for nearly a decade.

"Tell you how Dad? Oh hey, Dad! I had a baby and well, the mom yes, it's the same woman you didn't want me to marry. Yeah, the same woman you had acid thrown on. Yeah her."

    He knew he had crossed a point when he saw his father's mustache bristle against his lips. He could almost laugh at that but there was just bitterness in his heart now.

    "Also while we're at it. Khushi deserves an apology from you and if you have even a speck of humanity left you'll apologize to her before looking at her face." He snapped and stood up and pushed the stroller back to his room.

     He called for the lift and as the doors opened, he saw that it was Shri. She smiled at him and walked out of the lift.

    "Oh hi! Good morning!" She said.

       All his anger had fizzled because it was futile to be sour over his father. He knew the man didn't care.

      "Hey. Did you sleep well?"

      "Yes. Of course. Is Rian asleep?"

    He looked down in the pram and nodded. "Yeah. Oh well, I'll have to go."

       "Bye. I'll see you at the program in the evening. Also, the aunties were asking about your wife?"

     "Were they?"

    "Yes. They wanted her to get started on the rituals."

     "Isn't it too soon?" Dhruv asked. It was just the ring ceremony this evening. Why were they already looking for her?


    When there was a loud banging on the door and the room bell ringing constantly, she didn't even have the strength to get up and open the door.

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