Chapter Seventeen

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"I am becoming someone I don't recognise..." Dhruv told his therapist. For a minute he let it sit there, the only sounds were the AC buzzing in the room.

"How so?"

"I'm not one of those men who calls women the b-word. Yet I almost called Khushi that."

Tasha only scribbled on her iPad. "What kind of men call women the b-word?"

"You know what kind of men. They're misogynists, sadists, etc etc."

"Did you apologize to her?"

"I did. She forgave me. She said it's fine since she got it that it was in the heat of the moment."

"Then why are you still hungry up on it?"

"I'm not this kind of man, Tasha. Can't you see how it's bad? I never lose control..." He ranted.

"Why did you lose control? Elaborate."

"Khushi told me she was glad that I moved on."

"I see. You don't want her to be glad?" She asked and Dhruv wanted to pull his hair out.

"Obviously I want her to feel happy....I just....I didn't think it would not affect her...I wanted it to affect her."

"Dhruv, don't you think it's time to let go? You're harming yourself by holding out hope."

He swallowed the knot in his throat with great difficulty and fisted his hands so as to not turn into a crying pot in front of Tasha.

"It's not easy..."

Tasha put down her iPad saying, "You're right. It's not. But you moved on from Janvi who was your first love, you'll move on from this too."

He silently gasped and held his heart where it pained, "You don't know how it feels..."

"I don't know...yes. But you have tried. You told me you gave it your all. There is nothing more you could've done to save the relationship."

"I still feel there is something I could've done. That I'm missing something."

"It takes two to make a relationship work, Dhruv. Even if you could've done something, she would have reminded you if she wanted to save the relationship."


When he went to his apartment, he found Neeta watching TV. She turned her head around to look at him and turned the TV off.

"Where's Riyan?"

"I put him down for a nap!"

He made way to his bedroom but she stepped in his way, Neeta crossed her arms and looked at him with suspicion, "Where were you? Were you with her?"

"Excuse me? That's none of your business even if I was."

"It's my business because we're getting married!" She said scoffing.

It was his turn to be offended,

"There's a very big 'if' there. And while we're on this, I don't appreciate how you ambushed me with this."

"I ambushed you? You offered to help!"

"Because of Riyan! I don't want to marry you!" He blurted out flustered.

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