Chapter Thirty Four

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    Khushi sat the table and pushed the food around her plate. They were seated at a private seating area. Yet it was stifling. There was only clinks of cutlery around the table. To her sides, sat Dhruv and Veer Jiju, beside jiju was her sister and in front of them sat Sakshi and Siddharth with Aghanya and Viren jiju beside them.

     She had remembered a breakfast much like this one when her and Dhruv were newly married, now a decade had passed

      "Are the twins not coming?" Dhruv took initiative to break the ice which she was grateful for.

       "Ah... they'll be arriving tomorrow. Thanks to Sakshi who has lent her private jet."

    Sakshi took a sip of water and waved her hand, "No need for thanks. Since, the kids are in the same boarding school, they can come together."

            "What about Krishna?"

   A tense silence fell into the room.
    "He won't be coming." Viren said.

     "Is he okay...I mean since the accident...?" Sakshi asked.

      Another tense silence. What accident? Khushi wondered and looked at Aghanya who downed another glass of wine, this being her third glass. Wasn't it too early for drinks? She wondered.

       "Oh he's fine..." Aghanya said her words slurring already.

        "What accident?" Dhruv asked.

           And Aghanya started laughing, pouring wine all over her blouse. "Ohh I'm sorry..."She said between laughs.

         "If both of you were here, you'd know what accident!" She spat.

      Viren jiju held her elbow, "Aghanya...calm down."

        "I am calm!" She snapped at him.

      Khushi looked at Veer Jiju, "Krishna got into an accident and lost over 80% of his eyesight..." He whispered.

      "What?" She looked at him shocked.

       "Aghanya I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

       "How would you have known?! Did you even make an attempt to know?" Aghanya pointed a finger at her.

        "Aghanya..." Viren jiju tugged at her but she stood up.

       Khushi's eyes burned with tears.

      "Atleast she had the excuse of cancer. What did you have, huh Dhruv? I thought we were close friends. Were we not?" Aghanya kept ranting.

     "And I don't find the whole cancer thing plausible too! You both were supposed to be my friends!" 

        Dhruv stood up and she held his hand trying to calm him down. "I speak for myself. I left because it was heartbreaking to know all of you pitied me and I hated it!" He snapped.

     Aghanya scoffed, "Wouldn't you have felt pity for us? Is there even a single person here who hasn't gone through something or the other?Asha was bullied so badly that Janvi had to change her twins' schools. The Ranes all got covid and Reena now has permanent lung damage. And my Krishna..." She sniffed and wiped her face harshly.

    "Don't you feel pity right now? Moreover don't you feel angry that no one told you? That you didn't know? How do you think we felt when both of you disappeared selfishly?! And it was selfish!"

       "Aghanya.... that's enough. Let's go." Viren jiju practically dragged her from the room.

      One by one the table was empty as everyone walked off from the awkward situation.

      "Oh God. She's right. I've been so selfish...." Khushi whispered. Tears flowers from her eyes. "I thought I was the only one who had problems. That only I suffered. I was so wrong..."

A/N: I honestly wanted to write more but writer's block is beating me y'all


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