Chapter Thirteen

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She had left. He had told her to leave. But Khushi had left and he could only stumble through the flat in search of a cigarette and yet he had found none. He hadn't smoked for a week.

Dhruv eyed the liquor cabinet and he hadn't had a drink for years. But today, he didn't care anymore. He grabbed the Bourbon and drank straight from the bottle.

He only stopped to sputter out when his throat burned and he coughed. His phone was ringing in that infernal tone and he stomped his way towards his phone and picked up the call,




"What's wrong? Did you both fight again? Khushi just came here...are you okay?"

"I'm fine. A1!"

"Are you drunk?"

"Yes. Do you have a problem with that?!"

"What? Dhruv...what happened?"

"You happened! You happened to my life! I was get grilled in that police academy but I was fine and you happened to me! You left me and then when I met you again, I had these stupid thoughts about revenge which led me into taking your sister out on a date, when I fell in love with her. So If I hadn't met you Janvi, I would've probably been fine."

"Dhruv, can you calm down?"

"She said I have a hole in my heart." He was disgusted by the way his voice tore but he continued, "She said me being nice won't help me fill it."

"I'm so sorry, Dhruv. I get how pained you must be."

"You don't get it. Just leave me alone, Janvi."


He was hungover and he still dragged himself to Natasha's office because after casting out the contents of his stomach all night had made him realise how it old he was for drinking like that.

"Tell me Dhruv. I was very surprised when I heard your voicemail that you needed my time." Natasha said to him.

Though he was here, he couldn't utter even a work. He could only stare at his grubby reflection in the teapoy glass. He sported a day old stubble and his eyes were swollen and red, his pallor was pale.

"How is Khushi?"

"She left."


"I told her to."

"Why did you tell her to leave?"

He stood up from the couch and went to the window which faced the sea. Dhruv had suppressed his anger for so long, he didn't know how to shut the door now, when all the anger seeped out rushing into his veins.

"She told me I had a hole in my heart and that I'll never fill it by being nice to others."

Tasha, his friend and therapist said nothing. "And was she wrong?"

"No. But that's not the point."

"Then what is the point?"

"I don't know."

"Maybe I do have an idea. Do you want to hear it, Dhruv?"

He walked over to the couch and sat again. He had an idea about what she would say but he needed the external objective voice.

"You and I both know that she's right. You're just angry that she saw through your niceness. It's affecting you this much because you tried so hard to hide it especially from her and yet she saw right through it."

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