Chapter Nineteen

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       Khushi watched the weird interaction, then, Ravya turned towards her. "Oh it's my fiance."

        "The one you've never met?"

         Ravya nodded shyly and turned towards the man who was holding the hands of the boy. She tried to give the couple some space by extending her hand towards the child and he willingly out his tiny hand into hers.

       She led him to a nearby bench and sayt down while he say beside her bouncing the ball on the bench. God, what were the chances she thought. Riyan wasn't that common a name. She wondered if the Riyan she knew was well and good. She was lost in his thoughts until he heard someone call Riyan.

       The hairs behind her neck stood like pins, she was not mistaken this time, that much she knew. Riyan looked up and watched his face beam up, he wiggled down the bench and ran past her.

      Khushi bit her bottom lip. She knew she would have to meet him some day. But she didn't know the reckoning would come today. As much as nervous she was, she mustered her courage and stood up from the bench turning towards them.

       By her luck, he hadn't seen her yet. Still, her breath hitched. He was wearing a suit which was cut to the latest fashion. He was rubbing his palm on Riyan's hair while the boy hugged his leg. He looked severely handsome like he was matured.

     She could always run away she thought. She could just turn back and run and never have to face him again. Not even facing death took this much courage. She picked up Riyan's ball that he had dropped and walked towards them mustering courage.

     Seeing his ball in her hands, Riyan ran the short distance between them extending his hands for the ball, she threw the ball gently and he caught it. Clapping she said, "Yay!!! Good boy!"

         Now she knew she had gained his attention, her legs almost gave out. She looked at him and he looked her for only a moment until he looked at Riyan.

       "Riyan, what should you say?"

        Riyan said thank you which came out as fwank you and she smiled at him. Then, she raised her eyes and looked at him again. She had made up  her mind to ask him how he was.

    Khushi opened her mouth too speak, he walked past her holding Riyan's hand completely ignoring her. Her mouth was still open when she looked at his back walking away from her. He could've stabbed her right through her guts and that would've hurt less.

    Embarassed, she could feel the blood rush to her cheeks and neck. She closed her mouth and walked meekly towards her Ravya where Dhruv was headed too.

         By the time she joined the group introductions were already made.

   "...I could never thank you enough for your support...Mr. Dhruv...baba remembers you everyday."

      "It was nothing but a recommendation. Your hardwork and education got you the job so no need for thanks." He said curtly as if he was annoyed. She knew all his ticks.

      "Mohan. I think we should let her finish the rest of the marathon. I'll wait near the podium." He looked at Ravya and nodded and again he didn't even look at her, even though she was standing right beside Ravya.

    So this was how it was going to be, she thought. Her stomach felt heavy as if she was going to throw up.

    "Should we finish the marathon?"

     "Yep." She said and they got back on the track.

       "What do you think of Mohan?"

       "He's good looking." Khushi hugged out.

        "Well you know our financial situation is not equal...Baba is worried that his family might not agree."

         Khushi grimaced at her friend. She knew that Mohan matched her religion and her caste and her community. "You're a doctor so I don't think they'd mind. Besides, he likes you, I could see that too. You'll be fine."


     Dhruv loosened his tie as he felt it tightening around his neck. He knew he would come across her some day but did it have to be today he wondered. He had just landed in India a couple of days back. He was invited as a trustee to the Hospital's Half Marathon for Cancer.

   He initially didn't want to go but the word cancer had caught his attention and he made up his mind to go only to see his son sitting beside her.

    Dhruv knew who she was even from a mile away. The fact that he knew grated him. The urge to turn back and leave was strong, yet he forged on. He treated her indifferently. It was hard to miss the flash of hurt on her face, he had almost softened.
      He clenched his jaw, remembering everything and hardened his heart. There was no place in his life was her. No matter how hurt she looked. What did she expect anyway? That he'd melt into her arms? There would be tearful reunion? It was easier to show her the truth.

     So he had kept his expression neutral. He sat on the chair huffing in part anger and part something he didn't want to name.

    Mohan walked to him moments later. "Was that your fiance?" Dhruv asked him.

      "Yes. What do you think of her?"

       "She's a good kid. But I don't think you marrying her is a good idea." He said bluntly. 

    He could see Mohan go red in anger but he looked away and composed himself, "Why do you say that?"

       "Mohan." He stood up and grabbed his shoulder, "You both are not on the same class and that would bring problems into your marriage. If not soon, then later "

       "You're just like my family. I thought you'd understand but you're speaking about the same class BS they tell me..."

          "I didn't mean to offend you."

      "I'll take Riyan to the house. I think I need the space."

    Dhruv let mohan go but he wondered whether he had left his anger get the better of him. But he soon brushed his doubts away. Didn't class disparity ruin his marriage with Khushi? So how could he not warn his friends?

   Despite his justifications he felt the sting of guilt.


A/N: short chapter I know. Vote and comment.

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