Chapter Fifteen

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       By the time Khushi seemed okay, she was taken by Jiju upstairs. 

    "Are you okay, kiddo?" He asked her. Khushi only nodded in response. She was handed a glass of water, she took a sip and she laid her head on jiju's shoulder.

      "I didn't expect that. I did. I wanted it to happen but I didn't expect that it would feel this way."

      "Oh honey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you feel that way."

       "Jiju...he deserves to move on. I know. My brain knows but my heart is not ready yet."

       "I wish you would put yourself first, sometimes at the least. The world need not revolve around him, you know?"

       "But he's the sun."

    "I wish you knew that you're important too. And you're wishes are important too. They're not selfish."

     "I understand, jiju."

      He sighed standing up. And patted her shoulder lovingly, "I'll leave you to collect yourself, come out when you're ready, hmm?"


       "I should get going with Riyan." Neetu told him.

      Dhruv should've stopped her. But he didn't, "Yeah. You should." He watched her face crumple in disappointment and felt no remorse, when he should've. They were dating for God's sake.

   But then, he didn't know if he could even call it dating. They only co-parented Riyan. They didn't go on dates. Not had they even held hands.

         As soon as he sent Neeta away, he felt a grappling sense of failure as a human being. Which brought him to Viren to ask for a smoke which he thankfully had.


      "I thought that I shouldn't ask but what the hell are you doing?"

   Druv looked at Viren quizzically. "Smoking?"

     "I didn't mean that, you bastard. I meant what are you doing dating that woman?"

      "Let's not go there."

      "Why not? You look miserable. I don't think you're supposed to look like this if you're dating someone you like."

    "We'll, what would you have me do, Viren? I tried. I waited for a year. I deserve to move on too." He snapped. Viren only looked at him as if he had grown another head.

      "But why her? It just seems like you're sabotaging yourself by getting into a relationship like that... I get it, you have attachment towards Riyan."

         Dhruv only smoked and tried to calm himself down.

  "It just happened. You know it is,women like me and I, more than often had to let them down,this time I said yes. What's the big deal?"

      "Not a thing. If you think you can make it work. Then go ahead. But if it doesn't work, then I'll be there to tell you I told you so." Viren left after saying that.

      After two puffs he said out loud,
"You know you can come out, right? I won't eat you."
        "How did you -"

        "How can I not?"

        "Put out that cigarette."

       Rolling his eyes, he said, "Don't nag me, Khushi."

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