Chapter Thirty Five

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Dhruv couldn't say anything at the breakfast because everyone awkwardly left the table after the scene. He walked away too, to the pool. He felt guilty for cutting off his friends when they needed him the most.

He had been mad at himself, his own struggles and how they talked of him behind his back. But right now, he felt pity for them too, he empathised with their pain. He walked himself towards the penthouse which he knew where Aghanya would be.

He met Viren coming out of the room. "Um...she didn't mean that. She's just going through a lot."

Dhruv shook his head, "No. No. I understand. She's right too. I did abandon this friend group...I want to speak to her."

"Go ahead. But she's still not over it." Viren warned him.

When he entered the room, he saw Aghanya, facing the window.

"Aghanya..." He said peeking in through the open door. She looked at him and turned back again.

"Why are you here?"

"To talk?", He entered the room and the door snuck shut behind him. He stood beside her and looked at the coffee bar.

"Would you mind if I made a cup of coffee?"

"We can just ask the hotel service." Aghanya shrugged. 

"Let's not. There's an espresso machine here..." He said walking towards the coffee bar. He selected a coffee pod with hazelnut coffee which he knew Aghanya loved.

   When he was done, he poured two cups and handed one to her. She sat now on the couch and sipped from the cup.

"There's something in your does this taste better?" She said placing the cup down

"Coffee has always been our thing, hasn't it?", Dhruv smiled. He placed his cup down too and sat opposite to her.

   "I had forgotten that it was. I thought it was mine and Khushi's but no it started with you. I learnt to make coffees because of you." He said reminiscing the days when he had been seriously about dating Aghanya. There was just something about her that pulled him out of the dating slump.

"Me?!" She asked surprised.

"Oh come on, Aghanya. Let's not be oblivious. You do know that I liked you, didn't you? Romantically?"

"I had an inkling but I didn't hate you...but I loved Viren. I still do. Always have. " Saying that she felt silent and picked her cup and drank again.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't here. I was going through a lot and then I heard what everyone said about me and I just couldn't bear it..."

"That's not an excuse -" Aghanya snapped.

"No it's not. I understand, I'm just giving an explanation for my behaviour. It's not that I stopped loving you all as my friends but my own problems cloaked around me so much that I had to go away to resolve it."

      He looked at her but Aghanya had a frown on her face as if not quiet convinced.

"I'm sorry about Krishna. How is he?"

"He's fine. He's finding it hard to cope and doesn't leave his room. I thought Viren and I could coax him into coming here but he wouldn't come. He preferred staying home." He could hear Aghanya's voice cracking and her eyes brim with unshed tears. He stood up and sat beside her, pulling her into a hug.

"I'm sorry Aghanya. I'm sorry. Give it time."

"Ugh..I don't want to cry anymore today. Okay, I heard you're getting a divorce?" She asked pulling back. She dabbed the corners of her eyes and looked at him.

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