Hang out (lumity)

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Luz and Amity are both 15 in this one shot

"Honestly Hecate should've gotta more screen time she's the main characters girlfriend for titans sake." Luz said a she laid across Amity's bed "for real though, I mean they spent the whole series pressing for them two to get together just to have them interact but three times in the finale." Amity said as she went threw her closet.

"I would've at least put an 'I love you' in there somewhere cut out the music in the end and put the voice over." Luz said "exactly, like I get the creators where pressed for time and I respect that but still" Amity said she grabbed a hoodie and pulled it over her head.

She walked over to where Luz laid and sat next to her. They were looking forward to this sleepover all week. Neither of them where busy that weekend and school was getting harder, to prepare them for college, they didn't have any time to hang out after school so they had planned to spend the whole weekend together.

"What time is it?" Luz asked "only 4:30, why you tired?" Amity said with a tease "no... kinda but I probably won't be if you come lay next to me." Luz said as she teased back "yes you will and you'll make me fall asleep then will be up all night." Amity said she looked at Luz and just stared for a minute.

"Would that be so bad? I mean we could stay up and talk about anything and everything." Amity thought about it "ok but don't blame me when your sleep schedule is messed up."

"Oh whatever, come here you." Luz tugged on Amity arm which made her fall closer to Luz, Luz took advantage of this and wrapped her body around Amity's. Neither of them struggled instead Amity snuggled farther into Luz's warmth and laid there for a bit.

"See this isn't so bad" Luz said she rested her chin on top of Amity's head "um um " Amity said her eyes felt heavy soon she let sleepiness take her over.

After a while Luz was still awake, "Amity?" There was no response Luz kissed the top of her head "I love you sweet potato." She said then she let darkness take her too and then she was out like a light.

Amity woke up first to find her and Luz wrapped up in each other but she didn't move. She glanced at the clock 5:03 it was only 33 minutes since they had fallen asleep but she was still tried so she went back to sleep.

Next time she woke up was when there was a knock at the door then she heard it open but her eyes wouldn't allow her to see who was there.

"Yo Ed, come look at this" she heard her sister whisper "what is it?" She heard Edric as he walked up the stairs "mittens and Luz feel asleep."Emira said as she laughed. "Awww, should we wake them up? Dinners ready." Edric said "I don't think so they probably had a rough day, I mean Fridays can be rough." Emira said both her and Ed left Amity and Luz alone.

'Thank the titan, I thought they where gonna ruin this' Amity thought she felt Luz move "what time is it?" Luz asked "that's your favorite question uh?" Amity said she had her head laid on Luzs chest.

"Yeah whatever, what time is it?" Amity chuckled "5:20" Amity said "almost been asleep for an hour." Luz rolled over on top of Amity and laid on her chest Amity wrapped her arms around Luz and squeeze her tight. "We should probably go eat" Amity said keeping her grip on Luz

"Yeah I guess so, but you gotta let me go." Luz said as she tried to get up. "No" Amity said she held her closer. "It was YOUR idea to go eat, why won't you let go?" Luz asked "I decided against it"
"Your warm and I'm cold so I'm not letting you go."
"Your wearing a hoodie!"
"I know but I'm still cold, don't judge me"
"I'm not judging you I'm just saying you probably shouldn't be that cold."
"Oh whatever you where judging me"
"No I wasn- ugh let's go eat it'll make you warmer."
"My legs don't wanna move."
"You just love to complain don't you" They both giggled
"I'll let you ride on my back" Luz said "but you've gotta let me go." Amity sighed
"Ok fine but wait." They both sat up
"What is it" Luz asked Amity leaned into Luz and their lips touched Luz didn't pull away instead she pressed her lips harder against Amity's, it felt like fireworks went off inside and then they pulled away.

"Whoa..." Luz said "whoa" Amity said they both stared at each other for a while as they admired each others eyes. "Your a good kisser.." Amity said "you are too" Luz said back they put their forehead together and continue to stare.

"Your really pretty" Luz said Amity got flustered, giggled, and push Luz back a little "Not as pretty as you" Amity said, Luz grabbed Amity's waist and pulled her in again this time they kissed intill they ran out of breathe.

"I know we've kissed before but it still feel like the first time, everytime." Luz said as she pulled Amity into a big hug.

"Yeah I know what you mean." They sat there for a minute before Amity spoke; "I love your hugs." Luz smiled at this "I do to."

Luz and Amity went down stairs, ate dinner, and talked with the twins and Amity's dad. After they talked for 4 hours (it was mostly Luz and Amity talking about what happened in the human realm) everyone went to bed.

"I like your family there nice." Luz said as she and Amity walked up the stairs "umm" Luz looked at Amity 'she didn't seem sad when we where talking' Luz thought "are you ok?" Luz asked "um unm" Amity replied Luz immediately grabbed her hand, ran to Amity's room and closed the door. "What was that for?" Amity asked "what's wrong with you? You where fine a few minutes what happened?"  Luz asked concern.

"Oh, I-I just, just" Amity struggled to say "take your time" Luz said lovingly Amity smiled at her but then frowned again. "I feel bad for leaving everyone behind here while we had fun in the human realm." Luz walked up and grabbed Amity's hands "a couple of things; one it's not your fault we got stuck in the human realm, two having fun was the only thing to do to past time while working on the portal and three we where still traumatized so it was just a bref reminder to help us stay calmer." Luz said

"Yeah but still..." Luz kissed her forehead "I know you probably won't let this go but can I help make you feel better?" Luz asked "sure but how?" Luz swooped her off her legs and carried her to her bed. Threw her down on it and laid on top of her, she laid multiple kisses all over her face and neck and nuzzled her face into Amity shoulder.

Amity giggled the whole time and when Luz was done Amity kissed her all over as well.

"Thank you" Amity said as she rested her chin on Luzs head "anything for you," this made Amity intensely blush. "I love you Luz" she blurted out , after dating for almost a year they hadn't said it yet, Luz gave Amity one more kiss on her neck which made Amity curl up.

"I love you to blight."

Hello sorry this took me so long to write let me know if there are any spelling errors and happy Memorial Day <3
Also I have no idea where the art came from I've had it in my camera roll for a while.

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