You like her dont you?- Huntlow

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Set a couple of weeks after WAD

Luz and Hunter sat in there room as they talked. "What time are we meeting everyone?" Luz asked she looked at Hunter

"One" he said almost instantly luz looked taken aback "why'd you say it so fast?" Hunter blushed slightly "oh- um- I'm just a fast talker" He laughed awkwardly, Luz looked at him a bit confused and concerned, but the truth was Hunter had been counting the hours untill he could see Willow again and he didn't know why

       ~•~•~•~•the next day~•~•~•~•~

Hunter and Luz got on Stringbean and flew off to the library where they were meeting every one 

Luz glance at Hunter who looked anxious "ok good? You've been awfully quite this morning" she said Hunter looked at her a bit embarrassed "oh yeah just a bit tried, you know? Didn't get much sleep last night" she looked back at him "oh ok?" She said unconvinced, Hunter didn't tell Luz about this feeling he had for Willow, he was worried she would make fun of him or she wouldn't see it as a brother figure anymore, Luz wasn't like that but he was still worried

When they landed they were actually the first people there "we're early for once" Luz said as Stringbean wrapped around her neck "well for the record we're never late everyone else is just ear-"
He stop talking mid sentence as she saw Willow walk up the steps, thankfully Luz didn't see the large blush crawl on his face because she immediately ran over to Willow and gave her a hug "Hey Willow!" She hugged her friend tightly

Willow squeeze her back "there the savior of the boiling isles!" Luz looked at her and groaned "I told you not to call me that" she said in a playful whin "I know, I know, but it's still funny to me" she smiled brightly, Hunter stepped up a bit and both him and Willow had a noticeable blush on their faces but Luz didn't see this either as Gus had come from the other side

Gus saw them talking and remembered that they held hand with theirs pinky, it was cute in their own weird way

Amity got there 5 minutes late which made for the perfect opportunity for Luz to tease her about it

As Amity walked up the stairs Luz hid behind one of the pillars. "Hey Willow! where's-" Luz came from behind and slide her hands around her waist, she picked Amity up slightly and kissed her neck. "Why are you late blight?" Luz said as she rested her chin on Amity's head. Amity shivered at the nickname "uh the-uh twins where- um messing with me as I was leaving" her breath quiver a bit

"Mmm k" Luz said her arms wrapped around Amity's waist tighter causing a slight squeak out of her

Amity turned her self around so she could hug Luz they sat there for a minute before Willow called out to them, "come on love birds, we promised Darius we would be there early"

Luz rolled her eye and grabbed Amity's hand "ok ok we're coming" she giggled as she pulled Amity behind her

They all walked to where they where meeting Darius, Luz and Amity lead the way Hunter and Willow be hind as they made small chatter Gus in the back realized how he was third wheeling on 2 couples 'maybe I should tell Matty I like him?' He thought

"You're all late" Darius said to them as they got there "it's 2 minutes past the time we said" Luz said confused "yes but a good witch is always punctual" he said as he rose a finger

"Yeah, yeah I know, anyways what can we help with?" Luz said

"Well you can start by cleaning up some of this debris, all the motion of the titan moving cause all these building to crumble " he looked over his shoulder looking at the half crumbled town and sighed

"On it Darius" Hunter said eagerly. Darius smiled at him. He walked over to him and placed a hand on his head pulling it back as he walked off "I know you are"

After a couple of hours of cleaning the squad took a break, Amity, Willow, and Gus sat at a picnic table near by. "Holy titan it is HOT" Luz said a she dramatically laid across Amity's lap. Amity groaned "nooo your gonna make me hotter"

Luz whisper something in Amity's ear that made her let out a small squeak and blush profusely, Luz giggled and kissed her forehead "your cute" she whisper a bit louder, then laid back down, Hunter came back with waters in his hands for everyone "Thank you!" Everyone said as they chugged their waters

"Oh hey Amity I need to show you something can you come with?" Amity smiled and tapped Luz's shoulder signaling that it was time for her to sit up, Luz groaned and sat up. Willow and Amity walked off back towards where they were cleaning

"I have to go to the bath room I'll be right back" Gus said speed walking off which left Luz and Hunter. "Heyy umm" Hunter said with a shaky voice "What's wrong-" she trailed off when she realized he was blushing and looking in Willows direction "oh, OH MY TITAN DO YOU LIKE HER?!?" Hunter looked at her confused "what do you mean do I like her? Of course I do"

"No I'm talking like like, dude, like have a crush on her kinda like" Hunter stared "what's a crush?" Luz's eyes widened in shock "you don't know what a crush is?!!?!" She yelled she got a little to close to him and he backed up a bit "no..."

"Really you've know me this long and you've haven't learn it?" Hunter looked at her "no again, I don't even know what it suppose to feel like" Luz sat back a bit "well I guess a simple way to find out if you do like her is by asking your self a simple question"

"How does it make you feel when you think of her?"

"I don't know I guess with Willow I can be myself and mess around without worry and sometimes I feel my stomach do something funny like when I get nervous funny.....does that make sense?"

Luz smiled softly at him "that's what liking someone is, feeling like your self around that person above any one else"  She looked at her, former crush turned girlfriend,who was talking to Willow "they make you want to feel good about yourself" Hunter smiled and continued to look at his new 'Crush' "I think that's how Willow makes me feel" He stop smiling to look at Luz "but don't tell her yet, I don't know how she'll react" Luz smiled at him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder "I won't I promise"

"What did I miss?" Gus said a little concerned as he saw Luz's hand on Hunter's shoulder "oh nothing much" Hunter said "oooook" Gus said unconvinced suddenly Luz felt gentle hands slide around her neck and shoulders, she jumped a bit as she looked back at who is was "oh for titans sake Amity! You scared me so bad" She put her hand on top of Amity's. She chuckled a bit as she hugged Luz's neck tighter and kissed her head "I gotta tell you something" she said rocking side to side slowly "yeah me too" Luz looked at Amity. Amity let her go so she could get up

Amity took Luz's hand at walked off in the opposite direction that she and Willow came from and stop when they got under neath a tree far enough away that nobody could hear them "let's say it at the same time, ready?" Luz said "yeah


"Hunter likes Willow"

"Willow likes Hunter"

HIII sorry I posted this so late schools been kicking me in the butt and I know I put Huntlow as the tag and I'm sorry there isn't much of that in here, if this gets enough views I'll make a part 2 and that one will have a LOT more. Until then have a good night/morning/ day <3

Words: 1382

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