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I've nearly gnawed off the entire wooden coat from my pencil. 

My nerves have been everywhere since last night. I can still feel the heat against my collar bone. I can still feel his hand. 

"OKAY.. that's enough." Alysa whispers yanking the pencil away from me. I snap away from my thoughts and look over at Alysa. "What's wrong with you?" She whispers. "Nothing" I reply. She rolls her eyes and lifts the naked pencil that was once coated. "This. This is disgusting." 

"Ladies" Our professor calls out. Alysa redirects her attention back to him. I'm unsure of what this class has even been about.

"I want you." He whispers.

My leg begins to shake. I run my fingers through my hair both in frustration and in guilt. I haven't been able to get his voice out of my head since yesterday night. I bite down on my lip and look down at my paper to recap the little notes I have taken.

Final Topic: T

That's it. That's all I wrote. I rub my eyes. I've been jittery. I've been off. I've been full of guilt. I knew better than to walk off with Tom. But I couldn't help it. 

My phone vibrates and I look down at it. A text message from an unknown number. I furrow my eyebrows and unlock my phone.


My stomach drops to some unknown pit and my my heart begins to race, because it can't be him. I've never given him my number. The chat bubble appears as he begins to type more.


It is. I look around. 

As if someone would be looking Jules. 


Me: How'd you get my number?

I set my phone down and try to pay attention to my professor. But I find myself constantly looking down at my phone. It vibrates once more.

T: Are you coming tonight?

He completely ignores my question. But that's Tom. 

Me: Maybe. I haven't decided.

But I was going. Tom had already invited Austen and Alysa wouldn't miss because of Bill. And if I didn't go, Austen would suspect something. I just wanted to see what he'd say. 

T: That's not what Alysa said

I look over at Alysa and glare at her. She turns to look at me and furrows her eyebrows. "What" she mouths. I shake my head and look back down at my phone.

T: Is lover boy going?

Me: Yes, but I haven't said if I'm going

T: Right.. 

Me: I'm in class. Can we do this later?

I set my phone down trying to focus once more. But moments later I slip and look at my phone again and the awaiting text message from Tom.

T: Am I a distraction?

Me: Yes, very much so.

T: Can I distract you in other ways?

I bite my lower lip and take a deep breath to try and control my heart rate that is wanting to speed off. 

Me: I'm in class. Got to go.

I watch as the writing bubble appears but then stops. I'm left on read. I set my phone down and look up at my professor. "Okay class, remember finals are due by midnight Monday. Should you have any questions, I am available via email." He heads to his computer and shuts off the projector. Fuck.

Break My Heart *Tom Kaulitz Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now