Always and Forever

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"I'll pick you up after practice?" He asks me. I nod standing up to kiss him. "Why don't you stay?" He asks referring to his house. I kiss his cheek. "Because Tom, I don't think I'm ready." I mumble looking down at my feet. He groans and shakes his head. "I hate that you stay here alone." He says. "Alysa comes around." I say to him. He scoffs. "Barely. She's basically living with us now." He groans. "Well she's been with Bill longer and we...." I begin, but I decide to stop before I go too far.

"And we barely just got here?" He asks. I shrug shyly. He puts his finger under my chin and raises my head. "Think about it." He says kissing me.

I wish he could stay. But that would be too selfish of me to ask. Although I don't doubt he would stay. I know he hates leaving. But I feel we've become too dependent on one another. And this isn't me.

I close the door behind him as I pull away. I glance around nervously. I felt lonely now. Almost depressed. I rub my shoulders to comfort myself. I look out the window at the grey skies, hoping they'll clear soon.

I walk over to the window. I can't help but think about my mom. There's a knock at the door minutes later that makes me pull away. "Jules." Austen calls out. I smile and rush to open the door not hesitating to hug him. He hugs me back, and looks around cautiously. "He's not here." I say to him. Austen sighs in relief. I close the door behind us. "I just came to say goodbye." He sighs.

Austen had made the choice to move back home with his dad. "Oh right." I say sitting down on the couch. He sits next to me and places his hand on my knee. "I'm going to miss you." I sigh. I feel my eyes begin to get teary eyed. He laughs. "Don't cry." He says. "I'll always be a call away Jules." He says. I look up at him and nod my head unable to speak.

He gulps and forces a smile. "Always and forever Jules. Me and you." He pulls me in for a tight hug. I sniffle against his chest. I take a moment to remember his scent. It was always comfortable to me.

Nothing had prepared me for this.

We stay like that for a few minutes. It was my peace, and he knew this. He eventually lets go and kisses my forehead. "Where is he?" He asks looking at the sky. "Practice." I tell him. He looks at me disappointed. "does he know?" I shake my head looking down in embarrassment. "And Alysa?" He asks. "She practically lives with Bill."

He frowns and looks around at the quiet apartment. "You love him, don't you?" He asks me. I look up at him surprised by his question. I don't reply. For some reason I can't. He sighs and grabs his keys. "Come on." He says. "Tom said he'd come later." I mumble nervously. I couldn't deal with another altercation between them. "come on." He says. I knew he was stubborn. I wasn't given much of a choice.

Austen's P.O.V

I don't know if it was because of the thunder or because she was nervous of how things would play out between Tom and I. But she was shaking. I noticed she'd tend to cave around him. Our texts were only at night or when I presume he wasn't around. His presence alone over powered her. He was always hovering over her. I could never see her. And she cried a lot. And that wasn't the Jules I know. My Jules was confident. She was stubborn. She was a fighter. She was strong.

I unfortunately had proved this to be correct too many times. This wasn't like Jules.

I park in front of the studio and look over at Jules. She'd fallen asleep. And something about her was different.

I look up at the sky. The clouds were grey. There was a soft wind. And the thunder was still rumbling. It wouldn't be long.

I silently get out of the car and head inside preparing for the worst. I follow the sound of instruments. I turn into a corner room. He looks up and his face immediately tenses in anger. I didn't know the guy too well. But the vibe of the room always shifted when he was there.

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