New Years Eve

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*hold off on the song until asked to play*

When Bill and Alysa weren't home, Tom and I were free to roam the house without avoiding direct contact or anything that could raise suspicion among Alysa. When she was home, we kept conversation to a minimum, touching never surpassed the occasional playful shove.

I watch as George and Gustav lug in two kegs. Gustav is red in the face huffing. We won't even talk about George. I can't help but choke down the occasional laugh. I reach down for another grape amused by the show. "Please, Jules. We'd hate for you to pull something." Gustav mumbles resting against the keg to probably catch his breathe.

"So kind. But maybe in the corner?" I mumble chewing on my grape, smirking at his snarky remark. Tom enters the kitchen, already dressed for tonight in his signature black, taking his spot next to me, leaning against the kitchen island. He reaches down for a grape. "Tom." George says gesturing at me. Tom smirks and reaches for another grape. "You're on your own man."

The guys lug the kegs to the backyard. I check my phone to see if Austen has texted or called, but nothing. Tom reaches for another grape, tossing it mid air and catching it. "If this were anything more than a moment of discovery, I might have a problem with your constant phone checking." He mumbles chewing the grape.

"But it's not. It's just a moment, me and you." I tell him propping my hand to rest my head on it. He swallows the grape and smirks. "It's a New Year. The possibilities are endless." He teases leaning down to kiss me. I turn my head, getting off the kitchen island. "Is Tom Kaulitz really discussing the possibility of a relationship?" I tease back. He fixes his posture, "I think now you're just putting words in my mouth." He says. We smile back at each other flirtatiously. He reaches over and pulls me by my waist against his body. "Maybe in a different world." He says bowing his head to kiss me again.

The doorknob jiggles. He immediately releases me, stepping away. I don't hesitate to pull my arms off him and lean against the kitchen island once more. "I think we're good with two." He says nonchalantly. Alysa and Bill walk in. "Can't be too sure." I sigh. Alysa walks over to my bowl of grapes and grabs one. "Shouldn't you guys be setting up?" She asks referring to their set outside for tonight's party. "Yes, we should be." Tom says slowly exiting the kitchen. Bill rolls his eyes playfully and follows him, leaving Alysa and I alone.

"So, any progress there?" I ask her referring to her relationship with Bill. She rolls her eyes. "No. When I bring it up, he says to be patient with him. It's been weeks. How much more patient can I be?" She says. "And Tom?" She asks smirking. I scoff and shake my head. "We're just friends Alysa."

"So we've gone to friends, have we?" She says. I roll my eyes again. "Yes, yes Alysa, we're friends."

She squeals excitedly grabbing my hand. "Well. Let's go get ready, and see if we can change that." She giggles. I follow her to the rooms. "Alysa, I have Austen." I tell her. She scoffs and turns to look at me. "No one would blame you." She says.

Hearing her say those words brought relief. Because maybe I could tell Alysa and not risk making her feel betrayed. "Unless you like kept it from me, in which case, I'd be angry." She says half teasingly, half serious.

There it is. I take it back.

She nudges me to go upstairs to change. It's 9 pm, the dark has begun to set, and people should be arriving soon. I undress myself, walking over to the closet to pull out my black dress, and black tights. I struggle to pull the zipper up, but I manage. I look in the mirror, happy with the results. I have my mother to thank for my looks. The clear skin. The full eyebrows. The natural pink lips. My mom was truly a beauty.

I take a few minutes to curl my hair and fix it before slipping on my platform boots. I hear the music cut on, and noise downstairs indicating people must be here now. I check the time, 9:48 pm. "Alrighty then." I mumble to myself exiting the room. I descend the stairway and find Bill and Tom at the bottom. They both turn to look, wide eyed. Tom set his drink down slowly. "Stunning." Bill says cheerfully helping me down the last few stairs. "Thank you Bill" I smile at him. I look over at Tom who's still only staring. I wave my hand in front of him and he's startled. "Juliette, you always leave me speechless." He says. He looks down at my hand that is still holding Bill's. Tom snaps his fingers and Bill releases. "You're ridiculous." Bill mumbles under his breath releasing my hand.

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