Battle of the Bands

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"I have another question." The lady covering the event asks. Bill smiles clasping his hands together. "Anything, Nancy." He says. She sits forward on the couch, smiling with excitement. "But this is directed more towards Tom."

Alysa looks over at me, nervously checking to see how I'm doing. It had been a few months since the incident. And we hadn't spoken since. Things were complicated now that Alysa and Bill were together. I could feel them walking on shards of glass around me. His name was never mentioned. Seeing him on TV was just a reminder. But we had only one television, and Alysa couldn't miss Bill's appearance. Bill was still a friend. As were George and Gustav.

Tom glances to look at her, clearly caught off guard at the direct request. All the questions had been directed to the band, and Bill had done most of the talking. "Tom, I think the audience has some questions for you. I think all of America does." She laughs in a fake manner. Tom gives her a puzzled look. "We've all seen your intro segment for meet the members of the band. And I have to ask, on behalf of America Tom, who was that girl." She asks in the fakest voice.

Alysa gasps and drops the remote. "OKAY" She shouts, and accidentally bumps her bowl of popcorn onto the floor. She scrambles for the remote. "No, Alysa." I protest reaching over for her as she scrambles to the floor to search for the remote. "I can just watch the highlights later." She stammers. I grab her from the collar of her sweatshirt and yank her. "ALYSA!" I scream yanking her back on to the couch. She lets out a squeal. "I'm not sure what you mean." Tom says.

The lady giggles to herself, grinning. "Roll the video!" She shouts. Alysa and I both freeze and snap our heads to the TV screen.

"Tom Kaulitz, the bad boy!" the moderator announces. The screen flickers and on the screen appears a frozen still picture of Tom glaring to his side. It proceeds to show clips of Tom playing his guitar, one is of him tossing a beer bottle against the wall, another of him shoving the camera from his face, another of him smirking flirtatiously at a girl after a show. The footage then skips to the moment I've been struggling to forget. I watch myself in horror crying in between Austen and Tom. "It was a mistake, man." Tom says coldly. I shiver as his comment still caused me pain.

I swallow a dry lump relaxing my hand off Alysa's sweatshirt. She sinks to the ground, we're both unable to look away. The footage cuts and we're back with the guys and the host. He's sitting up straight still staring at the large black projector screen behind him. Bill and the guys, mouths gapped open, a look of shock. Tom slowly turns, licking his bottom lip.

"Who is she." Nancy asks arching an eyebrow, grinning stupidly. Tom opens his mouth to speak but no words come out, besides an "Uh..". He furrows his eyebrows, and closes his mouth, looking down at the floor. His leg begins shaking. Bill mumbles something to which Tom nods. Tom clears his throat. "Uh.. ha." He chuckles nervously. "I couldn't tell you, Nancy."

I hear Alysa gasp. Bill snaps his head to look at Tom, clearly in disbelief. George and Gustav look at each other and uncomfortably sink into the couch. "Are you telling me you don't know her?" She asks him. "Because our sources tell us, there was quite a scene that night."

"I think we're all aware of my many... flings.I like sex. Lots of sex. It's hard keeping up with names. Sometimes, they're not honest about having boyfriends" He says. "We're told her name is Jules." She says. A still photo of me looking at Tom, in tears, appears on the projector behind him. He doesn't turn to look. "I couldn't tell you." He says clasping his hands together. "Sorry to disappoint.". Nancy smiles looking back into the camera. "Well there you have it America! Don't forget to tune in tonight. And don't forget voting will open at 9 pm. That's it folks!" She shouts. The camera zooms out, and turns to the screaming audience.

I hear a click and the screen goes black. "F-found it.." Alysa stammers slowly climbing on to the couch next to me. She turns to look at me. "Jules?" She asks quietly, gently placing her hand on my shoulder. "Jules?" She asks. I force a smile and look at her.

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