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vol ii
chapter three

The long-awaited tour had finally arrived, and it was safe to say that Theia was not enthusiastic. She had absolutely no interest in journeying through the districts and being forced to face the grieving parents of the children who had been so thoughtlessly slain for entertainment.
She knew she'd be portrayed as the perfect propaganda piece. As the perfect victor. It hadn't even begun, and she couldn't wait for it to all be over.

Her home had practically been invaded in the early morning, with reporters, cameras, staff, the prep team, Blayse, and even Ambrose having made their way to District 3.

Avara, Garnet, and Sorrel shrieked when they saw her appearance, fussing over the tangled hair, pale skin, and prominent eye bags, immediately hurrying Theia away to commence their work.

Barred in her bedroom for hours, her eyebrows had been unwillingly plucked, her nails painted, her skin oiled, and her hair chopped and styled. She had been forced to listen to plentiful amounts of gossip, from the latest trends to parties, their individual lives, and lastly, Capitol updates. Apparently everyone was oh so excited to see her again; it had been immeasurably boring without her there.

Her stylist later joined them, delighted to see the victor. The two fell into conversation quickly, recapping the last six months in which they had not seen each other. Theia was so proud of the obvious success that Blayse had been experiencing. She could barely reach her on the phone most days; she was far too busy working on another fashion line.

Her wardrobe for the tour was to be much less extravagant. Theia was pleased to simply be wearing a pair of black trousers, a white undershirt with a beige sweater, and leather boots. They were much more comfortable and gave her an ordinary appearance, nothing like the one of an untouchable icon like she had been paraded as in the Capitol.

It doesn't take long before Ambrose barges in, unable to wait much longer. By now, she's accustomed to his tight squeezes and simply returns them. "Oh, Theia, I just wish I could have been here for all the celebrations! The banquets, the holidays, the parcel days—they all just sound so charming!" He's kissing her cheeks now. "I've missed you so much, dear. I would love to stay and catch up properly, but we have a schedule to stick to!"

He's walking away, pointing purposefully, and Theia follows. "Now most Victors take up a talent—anything really, just something they can interview you about. But you, of course, are a special case, having continued to work in your district's industry. Tell the reporters about your most interesting projects and what you've been proudest to work on; everyone would be so interested to know what you've been up to." Ambrose is smiling at her encouragingly, and she grimaces.

Immediately, her thoughts wander to the GM crops, but she knows that under no circumstances can they be publicly revealed. Theia's all the more thankful for having taken on numerous other projects in the months she's been home, giving her more than enough to speak about in the interviews she would have to endure.

After exhaustingly completing them all, with Ambrose's guidance, of course, she's ushered away and ordered into position while the sound crew piles in.

Greeting her, Rafael hands over a set of cards. "All you have to do is read off of them; they just want to record it." He gives her a teasing look. "And try sounding interested while you're at it kid."

Once finished, she's tossed out of the room again for the outdoor shot. With a fake smile on her face, she opens the door and waves.

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