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vol ii
chapter seven

Theia languidly makes her way through the train compartments, closely flanked by a pair of Peacekeepers. The difference in her treatment is astounding; it becomes quite clear that she no longer has her freedom. No, now she is rather treated as a captive.

Her eyes widen as she enters the dining car. "Ambrose."
The escort looks up and gets out of his seat, quickly hurrying towards her.

Theia is confused by his presence. "I thought you weren't returning to the Capitol yet, that you were going to stay and enjoy the celebrations."

He embraces her, patting her head lightly. "I won't let you go through this alone."
That meant more to her than he could have known.

"Now come sit; we have a long journey ahead of us."

Ambrose Ellery had not known Theia Marsden long, but she had left a lasting impact on him, one that had forever changed his way of thinking.

He would be damned if he let her go through this without any type of support. He had heard the rumours of how the winners of the games were treated, and he was adamant that the same would not happen to her. He wouldn't let it. She was his victor.

She would not be alone in the Capitol; he had made that abundantly clear to her. He would be there whenever she needed him, along with Blayse and her previous prep team. He had promised her family and even Rafael to watch her closely.

In his own way, he had attempted to lighten the mood of their travels. Over lunch, he had discussed Theia's new apartment; she had been given a penthouse in one of the wealthiest areas, all expenses paid, of course.

She had chuckled as he pulled out colour swatches and design magazines, not surprised by his behaviour. But it had a hidden motive; he was trying anything to distract her from becoming lost in her own mind—in her thoughts, as he knew she would do.

In the hours leading up to dinner, he kept her busy, constructing a long list of all the things she would need, including a home laboratory and countless tools, parts, materials, and chemicals.

They both knew it would be given to her, no questions asked. Her compliance would be believed; no official would suspect she would do anything to go against the orders of the President, knowing dire consequences would follow if she did.

Good. Let them think that way. They were better off underestimating her once again. It would make it far easier.


Theia had slept better than she would have thought. Though perhaps that wasn't perplexing, having been exhausted from the celebrations and emotional trauma of the previous two days.

Putting on the clothes that had been laid out for her, she makes her way back into the dining car to join Ambrose for breakfast.

They weren't far from the Capitol now, and the sinking feeling in her chest deepened the further they travelled.
She knew that she would not be awarded a grace period and would be thrown immediately into the deep end. It would be hard for her to adjust.

Accepting a bowl of fruit, Theia takes a seat as Capitol officials make their way hurriedly through the carriage.

It seems there was a lot to prepare for her arrival.
Based on the size of the crowd when they reached the station, Theia could see why.

It was quite clear that the population of the Capitol had been readily informed of their latest and dearly beloved Victor taking up residence in their city.
It was a great honour for them, with banners with the moniker 'Panem's Prodigy' hanging proudly from the towering glass skyscrapers.

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