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"Ow! Yeah that's hot" (y/n) spoke as he quickly pulled his hand away from the tin foil wrapped food that he had just taken off the hot plate.

"Dude you have magnet powers? Just use em" his sort of cousin Tommy spoke as he zipped over to him from where he had just been standing by the window.

"Dude you have magnet powers? Just use em" his sort of cousin Tommy spoke as he zipped over to him from where he had just been standing by the window

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"Magnets are muktzeh. (Y/n) has taken this to mean so are his powers" Billy spoke from where he was sitting at the table.

Tommy zipped back over to the table before sitting down beside his sort of brother. "We live in a world where most gods are just aliens, doesn't that kinda put you off religion?"

"Nope" (y/n) and Billy both replied simply, refusing to elaborate further as they were sure Tommy wouldn't understand their viewpoint without a long explanation neither of them felt like giving. Billy and Tommy may have been siblings at one point but since their reincarnation they had lead vastly different lives with different families.

(Y/n) put his food on his plate and walked over to the table, sitting across from his cousins. He grabbed the wine bottle sitting in front of him and poured some into his glass. "Still can't believe your mom is cool with you drinking" Tommy spoke causing Billy to let out a small laugh.

"It's mostly just for me to make kiddush on. She gets me one bottle a week, that's not enough for me to get drunk so she's cool with it" (y/n) spoke as he put the cork back in the bottle.

"What about Kitty?" Billy asked.

"You tell her I started letting Kitty have some and I'll kick your ass" (y/n) quickly spoke in a serious tone. "She thinks Kitty still uses grape juice instead" he took a sip of the wine which was his second cup of the day and continued to glare at his cousins.

"Your secret's safe with us" Tommy spoke confidently as he put an arm around his brother.

"Good. Because I'd hate to have to spill some of your secrets in retaliation" (y/n) smirked as he put his glass down and picked up his knife and fork before proceeding to cut each of his meatballs in half.

"You wouldn't dare" Billy spoke as he watched the boy eat.

"Wouldn't I?" (Y/n) smirked as he finished chewing. "I could start off small. Give Jubilee your email maybe? It's still right?"

Billy's eyes quickly widened. Everyone knew Jubilee was notorious for her constant forwarding of memes which just about everyone has already seen. If she found it funny it got emailed, and she found lots of things funny.

"Okay so you would. Consider my silence bought"

"Good" (y/n) smiled before going back to eating his meal.

After about another five minutes, most of which was spent in silence aside from Tommy's fidgeting, (y/n) finished eating his food and poured himself another glass of wine, finishing off the bottle he and Kitty had started the night before.

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