How Did We Get Here?

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//Disclaimer there is drug use, which I don't support. I am only using it for the storyline.//


After Alex found out about Enzo De Clemente, turning up dead she had lost all hope of finding out who really killed her father I wish Kenny hadn't told her about it, she had finally moved on, they should've told me first before we told Alex.

She's been ruthless ever since Enzo died, she has been on a killing spree for longer than she's ever done before and frankly I'm starting to get worried, there are so many bodies now.

I heard her office door slam shut, I set my cup of coffee down and make my way up to her office, I don't bother knocking I see her sitting down, she's got blood on her. and her shirt is ripped and she's looking off into space.

"Alex," she doesn't move, "Are you okay?" I walk over to her, she still doesn't move, "Alex, talk to me, are you okay?"

I see a tear fall down her cheek.

"Talk to me!" But she just looked at me, her eyes stone cold. 


"Marco." she whispers.

"Thank god." and she talks!

"What are you doing in here?" She asks, looking around as if she didn't know where she was.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." She tries to stand but almost falls.

"Where am I?" she laughs.

"Are you seriously high, right now?" I ask, of course she's on drugs.

"I'm still sober enough to stab the living shit out of you." she snaps pushing me away from her, I sit back and watch her, she keeps almost falling asleep but every time she's about to close her eyes she snaps back awake.

When I notice that she's calmed down a bit, I bend down to her again.

"Alex, why don't you go lay down?"

"Because I'm not tired."

"Yes you are, you look exhausted."

"I just can't sleep anymore," she spits out, "I can't seem to stay asleep, I'm always waking up so I rather just stay up."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask as I spin the chair around so she's facing me again.

"I didn't want you to worry."

"It's my job to worry about you," she doesn't say anything else, I help her stand up and walk to her bedroom, I help her sit on the edge of the bed and she rolls over pulling the blanket over her head, I shut the windows and turn on a tv show, on my way out she calls out to me.

"Stay and watch with me?" she asks, I come back and sit on the other side of the bed. "I hate this show." she whispers to herself, I heard  that.

"Goodnight Alex." she falls asleep fast, and so do I.

The next thing I remember is hearing a knock on the door, I jump out of bed and open the door shutting it behind me.

It's just one of the fuck heads that work at the house, he knows better than to be knocking on Alex's door at- 3am what the fuck how did I sleep that long, the man-no kid he must be seventeen years old at most, he's looking at me and then the door.

"We will never speak of this again, let me know that you understand me dipshit." I say as I grab his arm and lead him downstairs.

"I understand, sir." Oh shit, I scared him, well that's good.

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