Part 8 / Moving in

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Max's POV
Lucas's mom had told me that my mom said she was happy and that I could stay, she also agreed not to tell Neil because he has been abusing me and mom.
2 months later.
I was going to my old h0use to pack my things, i saw billy's room. No one had touched anything since he died, i went in and looked around. Neil and mom weren't home so i wouldn't get caught. I looked in his desk drawer and saw the pendant and picture of his mom. I tooled them with me. I also found a letter i decided to read it.

"Dear Max,
Something has been taking over me, so I'm using now to write this letter. I hope you find it.
As much as i hated you, and you were too sassy for me. i told myself that i would always try and protect you. I'm sorry.
We both have grow up in an abusive household, i never wanted to hurt you. I learned from him. I grew up with Neil, only Neil but he always had some chick with him. I'm sorry Max, i really am. Neil hurts me so much, i never want to become him.
I'm trying to change, i really am. I made a new friend, she name is Heather, but knowing this thing, it's going to make me kill her. I really don't want to. Believe me Max! Please! But this fucking thing has to take over me.
Goodbye, i know this is that last time you will ever talk to me normally. I'm sorry
Love your shittty big brother."
Bye the end i was crying. But i heard Neil's car, i quickly got all my stuff and jump out my window. I have been doing it since we moved and now i'm going to live with the Sinclair's. I skateboarded home to the Sinclair's quickly since Lucas and his mom were taking me to doctor appointment. I haven't been to a doctor yet so i get to see my baby for the first time! We got there and a nurse yelled "Max Sinclair?!?" "Oh yes, that's me" i said getting up to follow the nurse. Lucas and Sue { Lucas's mom's name is Sue, in case you forgot. } following me "okay, so is this your first appointment?" She asked me "yes" i said and nodded, i was a little scared because a week so Troy and Neil have been abusing me and i have had purple and brown bruises all over my body. "Okay hon, a doctor will be in in a few minutes." The nurse said, i nodded then Sue said "we get to find out how far along you are, if your having more then one baby, and you get to see your baby!!! She said excitedly 5 minutes later a doctor came in "okay now, can you lift up your shirt." The doctor said. I was scared because of people finding out that they had been abusing me. I lifted my shirt and everyone saw the bruises. "Hon? What are these from?" Lucas's mom asked me "oh, i fell on my skateboard." I said nervously and Lucas looked at me knowing that i was lying. "Sweetheart you can't be skateboarding while you're pregnant. It's dangerous. And your only 16.'' Sue said.
5 minutes later
"Well, it's looks like your having twins! Here a Photo." The doctor said handing us a photo. "Oh my gosh, you're having twins!!" Sue said calming and also excited. "We have to tell your dad and my mom." I said. After the appointment was over we called my mom and told her the news. Then we told Mr.Sinclair and he was so excited! And now I am officially moved in! I am so excited!

Word count: 685

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was a little short. Also btw Max is 4 months pregnant and when Troy found out he was very abusive towards her. That was a while ago tho. And that is not ok in real life. I do not support abuse and racism.

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