soft spot - bucky barnes

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You were the newest member of the Avengers, you became a offical member around 7 months ago, and you've been living at the tower ever since. When you first joined, Steve and Tony were the ones who introduced you to everyone and gave you a floor and room. You quickly became good friends with everyone, at first you started only hanging out with Steve, Nat and Wanda but Steve introduced you to Bucky and two seemed to have bonded very quickly, as if you guys knew each other for years. 

You actually got put on the same floor as Bucky and Steve, you room was in between Bucky's and Steve's aswell. Every one on the team kept on teasing you, saying that Bucky had a soft spot for you, because normally if there were a new team member added, he wasn't very sociable and didn't want to interact with them, male or female. But with you, he instently took action and wanted to show you around when offered. He loved the feeling of being around you, talking to you or even just looking at you from far. 

He loved how every time you guys pasted eachother down the hall way or somthing, you'd always smile, God he loves you smile. When you to conversate and he says something that makes you laugh, he can feel the heat rising up to his cheeks and his heart beating faster, some how you were oblivious to all this. All the long looks, the small touches, his getting all flustered, him occationally flirting with you, everything, and so was he apparently, because you both have huge infatuations on eachother and you both don't know but everyone else does. 

Bucky just loves the way you could be kind, careful, passionate, respectful, funny, friendly, adorable and quirky but can also be really badass and sexy without even realizing it. Not to mention, you beautiful as fuck, he thinks your perfect. He just can't help but fall for you. You were everything he's ever wanted, your the women he wants but he just doesn't know how to tell you. 

"Come on, Y/n/n, he's inlove with you" Nat whined as she followed you around to the kitchen on your floor. Bucky, Steve, Sam and a few others were training so you didn't need to worry if anyone heard. "No, he's not, leave me alone Nat" You whined back as you grabbed some strawberries from the fridge, popping one in your mouth. Before she could argue any further, I shoved one in her mouth too, which seemed to have pacified her. 

She turned around and sprinted of the kitchen, which caused you too roll your eyes. "Dramatic much" You mumbled to yourself. "Who's dramatic, doll?" You whipped your head around to see Bucky walking towards you. "Oh, no one" You said. Bucky walked over to you until he was behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. Resting his chin on your shoulder. "Whatcha eating?" He asked his breath tickling your skin a little. You held a strawberry up to his face, before plunging it into his mouth. He chuckled at that. 

You turned around in his arms to wrap your arms around his torso, burying your face in his chest. Only then did you relise he's still in his training fit. A tight t-shirt and tactical pants. Your face flushed a bright pink. "How was training?" You asked trying to distract youself. "It was good, a bit boring, just me, Steve and a few other people, Steve's in the shower by the way" He explained. You nodded along against his chest. You were still in your pj's, a black tank top/singlet paired with plaid shorts and you fluffy baby blue slippers. 

As you two stood there, you took in the feel of him, he felt kinda sweaty still..wait.. "Hey, have you washed yet" You said as you lifted your head off of his chest to look up at him. He looked down at you with slight amusment on his face. "" He said quietly. "Ewww, Bucky" You whined, accentuating the 'y' while pushing on him, but he kept a tight grip on you. He whined trying to hug you tighter, but you kept moving, mumbling 'ewws' and 'you're all sweatys' and 'Buckyyyyyyys' 

"I just couldn't wait to see you" He finally said. You huffed and blushed, which Bucky noticed and squeezed your cheek with his hand. You smacked it away causing him to laugh. "Well, i'm flattered but you need to a shower, you stink" You said as you looked up at him. Oh my God, his eyes, I can't. You though in your head. "Ouch, doll." He said as he looked down at you. Oh my God, her eyes, so beautiful, so e/e/c. Bucky thought in his head. "Fine" He said not being able to say no to you. 

You turned him around by his shoulders and walked him to his room, you walked infront of him, he walked behind you. You looked behind you to find him already looking at you. You smiled which caused his own to appear. When you stopped, he stopped. You started walking again, and so did he. You giggled as you saw him giving you a confused but amused look. "Follow me everywhere like a duckling. " You mumbled. "I am not a duckling, thank you very much" He mumbled back, lightly pushing your back. "Mmmm yes you are" You say as you turn around and push his shoulders harder then he did, which causes him to stumble back a little. 

Your eyes go wide, as he raises his eye brows and smirks. "I didn't mean to push you that hard" You said quietly pointing at him as you tried to stifle your laughter. His smirk just grows as he pounces at you, chasing you, you run for you life, both of you laughing. Just as he was about to catch you, Steve walks around the corner and you both freeze. "And what do you think your doing?" Steve questions in his fatherly tone. "Just..just running, you know, running" Bucky explains as he makes a running motion with his arms and legs, you nod along. 

He walks past both of you carefully, as you and Bucky still stand still. As soon as Steve is out of sight, you run again, trying to make it to Bucky's room. You can sence that Bucky is hot on your heels. You reach his door and fling it open. You squeal as Bucky approaches you, there is literally nothing else you could do. You just let him do it. He tackles you onto his bed and starts tickling you. You burst out laughing, he knows exactly where your ticklish spots are. You think he's doing this to punish you for pushing a bit hard, but he's really doing it hear you laugh again and to be in contact with you. 

"Buck- PLEASE sto-" You studder as you coninue laughing. "Well, since you asked so nicely..I guess" He says as he stops tickling you and pushes off of you to stand up and pull you up after. Your still giggling. He knows that you extremely ticklish so he starts chuckling with you. You both stop after a while and just look at each other wih smiles. You just stand there, in eachothers presents, just staring at eachother. Oh how badly he wants to kiss you right now, and oh how badly you want to kiss him right now. You clear you throat before speaking. "You should go take that show-" You couldn't even finish youe sentence when Bucky places both of his hands on the sides of you face and kisses you.

You let out a suprised huff, before melting into the kiss, you let your hands tangle in his hair as his hands lower to grip your waist, bringing you flush agaisnt him. Your lips move in perfect sync, toughs dancing with eachother. It was perfect. All until you hear someone curse out loud. "FUCK, FINALLY" You both turn around to see Steve standing there, jumping up and down of excitment. "I'M GOING TO TELL THE REST OF THE TEAM, OH MY GOSH IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW" Steve yells before running out of sight. 

You and Bucky looked at eachother suprised. You both burst out laughing at his reaction. he wraps his hands around your waist a bit tighter before speaking up. "God, i've wanted to do that since the day I met you, doll" He explained. "Me too, I just didn't know how to tell you" You simply said as you wrap your arms around his neck. He hummed. "Ok, now can you go shower?" You mumbled against his lips. "Yes, doll, now I can take a shower" He chuckled. "But..on one condition."

"And whats that?" You asked smirking. "You join me" He said and he kisses you again. "Mmm of course" You said softly. "Hey" He whispered. "Yeah" You whispered back. "I- I love you, I have for I while, and I don't expect you to feel the same just yet but I just want you to know" He said. You looked into his eyes, smiling before replying. "I love you too" 

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