i remember! - lance tucker

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A/n - SMUT SMUT SMUT warning! 

"Oh, God, yes!" You sob in pleasure as Lance pounds into you on the kitchen table of your guys' apartment. You arms are above your head, clutching the edge of the table in your grip. Your legs obviously wrapped around his body, to get him deeper. His large hands are everywhere on your body while his face is stuffed in the crook of your neck, praising you and kissing your skin his lips could reach.

You don't know how long you've been at it for. You don't really care either, you don't care about anything in this moment besides your boyfriend, who's currently fucking the absolute day light out of you, completely rearranging your inside.

Your body jolted with each thrust he made, making your tits go up and down and up and down, which he loved so much. "Ah! Fuck! Lance!" You moan loudly, causing Lance to grunt loudly in the skin of your neck. He hips never faltered as he fucked into your tight, soaked pussy. You were both on complete Cloud 9.

Ever time his hips snapped into you a loud moan would explode from your mouth, and each time a sound emitted from your lips, Lance would lay a kiss to your skin, praising you, while also letting out a form of groan or grunt aswell. Both your orgasms were building up again, Lord knows how many times you've cum.

You could feel the band in your stomach about to snap as your orgasm became closer and closer and closer until- "Ohhh! Yes! I remember! Lance, I remember!" You exclaim, smiling wide, grabbing Lance's face a kissing it sloppily, before pushing him off you by his shoulders, causing him to pull out of you, both your orgasms disappearing. "Hey, woah, baby?" Lance said, confused but chuckled slightly, and started following you.

You hop off the table, happily and still completely naked, aswell as Lance, and walked over to were your half closed, abandonded lap top was. "I remember!" You sung, doing a little happy dance, Lance laughed behind you, admiring you. You grab your lap top and hold it up to your face, you felt Lance behind you, his arms wrapped tightly around you waist, one of his hands cupped your pussy, his head settled right next to yours.

"Hooray" He hummed in your ear, watching you go into Spotify and type in a song in the search bar, that you now remembered the name of. Right as you finished moving the song into your playlist and setting your lap top down, you spun around, still well and truely in your boyfriends arms.

You jump into his arms, wrapping yours around his neck while he holds the back of your thighs. "Anything else you need to remember, beautiful?" He asked, sweetly. "Mmm, nope, don't think so" You answer, smiling softly at him as he does the same. He chuckles, pressing a passionate kiss to your lips, humming when you run your fingers through his slightly sweaty hair, feeling your boobs press against his hard chest, he groans at that feeling.

You pull away, giggling when Lance chases your soft lips that he's so addicted to. "That way please" You point your finger in the direction of the table you two were just fucking on.

"Yes, ma'am"

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