soldat - bucky barnes

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A/n - all the spelling and grammar errors are mine :)

You were so close to crying. 

You hated when he slapped him. Or hurt him for that matter. 

You couldn't do anything about it ... you just had to watch, and it broke your heart. 

"But I knew him" Is all Bucky said afterward. 


Your Bucky. 

Silly you. Only you would fall in love with someone who is over 70 years old and is in this situation, and of course he had to fall in love with you aswell. Silly us? Well, you don't care and neither does Bucky. The heart wants what it wants. And yours wants Bucky, and his wants you. No, not wants, needs

Somehow, every time Bucky got brian washed, he remembered you. 

He never remembers anything. 

Besides you. 

You were a nurse, or helper as one would say that assisted the evil HYDRA, more specifically Alexander Pierce. Man, the situation you were in right now is difficult. All you wanted to do was run over and kiss Bucky, hug him, tell him it was going to be okay, save him from all of this pain and torture. 

Alexander was just staring at Bucky. Sitting right in front of his face. None of us knew what he was thinking, he is so unpredictable. You were one of very few female's in the HYDRA organisation. But you weren't scared of him. 

There was a room full of men, and you, a female. A lot smaller then the others but just as strong, if not, even stronger. And a lot more useful if you do say so yourself. 

You were standing behind a desk, along with a couple other men of HYDRA's, next to one of the computers. 

Then, abruptly, Pierce made an order and everyone was in go mode. They were going to brain wash Bucky again. He said it himself. 

Pierce was still watching Bucky like a hawk, Bucky wasn't watching anything, he was staring straight forward as a man with a mouth guard comes near, Bucky eyes snap toward you for a spit second. 


Pierce announces. 

Not in a loud tone, a quiet one, so quiet it was kind of scary. 

Everyone stopped what they were doing, even Bucky looked at him, confused, though he would never show the emotion on his face. 

Pierce's head slowly turns in your direction, when it settles on you, you gulp. 

He tilts his head, takes a deep breath. 

It's so quiet in here, you can't explain it. 

Pierce, then, slowly walks toward you, his shoes echoing across the whole room. 

He's walking really slow. But in your direction, you know it. He is staring right at you. 

He makes his way up the stares and behind the desk of where you are. Right behind you. 

You can feel the warmth he radiates off of his body on to yours, you can feel his breath on your neck, as his nose is right next to your ear. 

You are emotionless, you are not scared of him. 

You remain in your exact same spot. Staring forward. 

You take a quick glance at Bucky and you can tell he is trying his best to keep it together and not break this chair in half and come save you. 

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