sneaking in - chase collins

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A/n - chase is one of sebastian stans characters for anyone who didn't know. i actually haven't watched the covenant, so if i get anything wrong in the imagine please feel free to correct me. i believe chase is part wizard or is a warlock?

You had just settled in bed when a light tapping sound emitted in your room from your window. Exhausted from your day, you lift up your head from your pillow just enough to peek up over your covers to look at your window. Just as you had suspected, you immediately made eye contact with your best friend of yours since you were tiny, Chase Collins. You both met at an orphanage. You both some how were still in contact all those years. 

Yes, you know all about Chase's powers and history, normally when someone learns to much about him, he would kill them. He didn't feel the same way with you, he said you were too special and important to him for him to kill you. You know everything about him and more, vise versa. He's really messed up but you don't care one bit, you're quite messed up yourself. 

You shoved the covers off of your body before stroll over to your window to unlatch the window. He had a massive, wicked grin plastered on his face once you came into his view. "You could've opened it by yourself" You sassed, letting a smirk make it's way on your lips. Chase's head poked in your room, soon his whole body made it's way inside your room before he entered. 

"Yeah, but I couldn't have done this though" He snared then pounced on you pushing you over onto your bed. His arms swaddled around you tightly, hovering on top of you. Your arms encased around his neck, bringing his body closer to yours, legs intangled with one anothers. Now, you two were a giggling mess. "Hi" Chase murmered into the skin of you neck, as his neck was currently shoved in the crook of it. 

"Hi" You giggled, tighening you arms around him just a bit tighter, as did he. "Why are you here?" You questioned. He lifted his body just a bit, enough to look at you, arms still safely wrapped around you. "Oh, thanks, Y/n/n" He joked, raising his eyebrows at you, his face inches away from yours. 

"You know that's not what I meant" You whined, rolling your eyes, still smiling. "Okay, okay, I just missed you" He confessed, smiling down at you. You chuckled, "You saw me like, a few hours ago" You replied, laughing at the sick pout on his face. "Well, yeah, but I just wanted to see you again" He told you, chuckling at himself, dropping his head a little, enough for your noses to brush one another. 

You unraveled your arms from his neck and placed them flat on his chest. Lifting his head back up, he brushed some hair out of your face, to get a good look at you, he wondered how lucky he was to call you his best friend, although he wanted more then just to be best friends. "What?" You giggled out, noticing his staring. "Mmh, nothi-" A suffle from the other room across from yours startles you both. 

Right now, you and Chase were in your bed with Chase on top of you. You do not want your foster parents to see you right now. Even though they've met him before and liked him, still. He's also a bit protective over you, even with your foster parents. They arn't really the best foster parents you could have asked for but then again it wasn't your fault your birth parents died in a car accident when you had barely even popped out. 

"Shit" You mumbled quietly, both of you staring at your closed bedroom door. "Hold up" He whispered, placing a quick kiss to your forehead, before he vanished as soon as a knock came from out side your door. You acted as if you were sleeping, when your foster mother's head peeked through the door. 

She looked around, as if she felt someone else's presents in the room besides yours. Shaking it off, she trotted over to your bed and pressed a small kiss to your forehead, she closed your door again before returning to the living room with your foster father, resuming to their movie. You huffed getting back up again, locking your door this time. 

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