like mother like daughter - bucky barnes

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Click, click, click.

That's what you and Bucky hear, down the hall.

Little tiny feet pitter patter against the hard floor of the Avengers Tower, in the direction of you two.

And lo and behold, you 4 year old daughter struts right into the lounge area where you and Bucky were situated ...

... dressed in a full princess dress, sparkly, plastic princess heels, a big fat crown on her cute little head along with a fancy bag ... that was yours? She held that in the dip of her elbow, fingers balled up in a fist, slightly tilted, walking around sassily.

You and Bucky's daughter held her head high, adorable look on her face, eyes basically closed, acting like a royal.

You and Bucky were just cuddling on the couch, trusting that your daughter could behave herself, by herself in her play room.

Tony was generous enough to give you guys a whole floor of his tower, that was completely baby proof. Bless him.

You and Bucky's eyes follow your guys' daughter.

"That's your daughter" Bucky whispers in your ear, placing a kiss on it afterward. Lightly chuckling after.

"And yours" You whisper back, eyes never leaving your adorable baby girl.

"Hey!" She shouts. Her head snapping toward you two. "Why are you cuddling with out me?! I am a princess, you have to cuddle me too!" She demands, holding a cute little frown on her face.

"Oh! Oh my goodness, I am so sorry, your highness!" You play along, moving off of Bucky and curling into his side, so your daughter could cuddle on his chest and face you.

"You have to pick me up" She states.

"Of course, of course, your highness" Your big, buff husband hops off the couch and quickly grabs your daughter and holds her.

He comes back onto the couch, and there you were, all three of you, cuddling on the couch. You were curled into Buck's side, while your daughter lay on top of him, she was so small, this girl has all of your heart, and Bucky of course.

Bucky couldn't be more happy right now, well ... he could be, but that only occurs when your sweet baby girl in asleep, if you know what I mean.

He had one arm around you and his other wrapped around your guys' daughter.

Your daughter, grabs your hand the one the was settled in Buck's chest and kisses the top of it, then grabs Bucky's one and kisses it aswell.

"Ok, now you have to kiss my hand, now, please" She whispers, putting her hand right in your face, really getting into this roll of being a royal. Even if this actually isn't how it goes.

"Oh, ok, ok" You whisper back, she is so adorable.

You kiss her hand while holding it and then she moves it to her fathers mouth to kiss it aswell.

You remember the day both you and Bucky found out you were having a baby, and even better a girl, not that you and Bucky didn't want a boy, you would have been happy with either.

Not going to lie, this beautiful baby girl was actually not planned, not that she was a mistake, she was simply a surprise. You and Bucky were open to the idea though.

Then again, you and Bucky go at it like literal bunnies ... you still do, it was only a matter of time before you fell pregnant.

Now, with your baby girl here, you and Bucky could not imagine life with out her.

You and Bucky didn't even realise, that your daughter was quite literally falling asleep on Bucky.

Her eyes slowly closing but then quickly opening again, you could tell she was fighting off her sleep.

"Baby, you can go to sleep, I know your tired, I can see it in your eyes" You sweetly say to your daughter, combing your fingers through her hair.

"Mm, m'not tired, Mumma" She was quite literally on the edge of falling asleep on her dad, the combination between your sweet voice and your fingers through her hair, she might just fall asleep.

"Go on, princess, just sleep" At that did it.

She fell asleep.

With just a simple comment from her father and a light kiss on the forehead.

She was out.

"She's just like you" Bucky whispered sweetly to you, brushing his fingers through your hair. Scanning your beautiful features.

"Mm?" You coo, kind of confused.

"Needs my touch to go to sleep, transforms into a whole new person when dolled up like this, adorable" He softly says, going in to kiss your lips. Gosh, he could never get tired of the feel of your lips.

You giggle slightly. "Like mother like daughter?"

"Exactly. Like mother like daughter" He replies, he always treats you and your daughter like princesses.

"I can see a lot of you in her though" You add, kissing the tip of your daughter's cute little nose then kissing Bucky's.

He just chuckles, going in to kiss you again, your lips are just phenomenal.

Later on, you put your baby girl to sleep in her whole big girl bed, after making sure she was okay, giving her lots of love and kisses when she slightly woke up again, quickly putting her back to sleep again, she is actually quite a deep sleeper. Taking off all her dress up costumes and inventory, taking her clothes off to put her in much more comfier clothes to sleep in and taking back your bag.

While after, Bucky got to love you his own way and took off all your clothes ... but for a different reason. 

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