[04] Three of Clubs (1)

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-Hiroko's POV-

Akihiro Hiroko

20 Years Old

Media Student

Tokyo, Shibuya Ward

Hiroko's 4th Day of Sojourn

Visa Remaining: 1 Day

6:17 PM

Game Arena Over There

'Our visa's up for today, the games are waiting for us to join once more.' I muttered.

"I hope we get lucky and have to be unscathed for another time kiddo..." Tito said.

We walked towards the game venue that the sign offered for us. In the middle of the dimmed street I found a table-like figure.

"What kind of madness are we in for this time?" He said while viewing the empty street.

We moved even closer as the laser behind us locked the both of us towards the glooming venue that was in front.

The building that stood right beside the streets is a grocery store, it does not differ from the rest of the surroundings for it was the only venue with its lights turned off. Only the light that shimmers from the sign outside bounces right between the windows of the store.

As we came in nearer towards the venue, another light beamed through the telephone booth across the street. There was a round table at the center of the streets, there placed two phones with a hanging sign that read,

One per Player

"Two... Phones..." He said under his breath.

"Shit... A targeted game?" I said.

Tito and I looked at each other, I can see the graveness of the situation just from the expression that he was giving. His eyes widened, his motions were shaky and he took a big deep breath right before he said, "A two player game this time, huh?"

"How can you be sure?" I asked.

"Can't help thinking that both of us are going to murder each other!"

The lights of the sign turned dimmer right as we were about to register for the game.

"Fuck! I... I can't" He said while frankly moving in circles, waiting for the game to commence.

Registration is now Closed,

There are Currently 2 Participants

My eyes turned into the grocery store. I felt the vibration of the air-ducts that was high above the store maintenance. There was a single panel of glass that stood above the ducts that surrounded it.

My face turned to Tito as he palmed his hands towards his face, indicating a sign of distress amidst the dark alley.

The Game is about to Commence

"The only kind of chance that we have is either it's a low card or a Clubs game." He slowly sighed.

We both glanced at our phones just when the chime began to play.

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