[05] Eight of Diamonds (3)

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-Kara's POV-

Aitsuki Kara
18 Years Old
High-school Student

The timer ticked while the impostor chose a number.

Round 5:
Kara: 1%
Sugiyama: 75%
Omura: 50%
Watanabe: 44%
Masuda: 47%

"H-Holy shit... I t-think I now k-know who the impostor is."

"I know who the impostor is." Omura said.

"It is you..."

"Kara, Aitsuki."

The air went silent, they all looked at the cameras.

I smiled and shook my head. "Y-You see guys..."

"You see, it was either the first person or the last person who got here that has to be the impostor. And that's either Watanabe or Kara." Omura said.

"I concluded that it was Kara all along, knowing that she is the only one who is least suspected to be the impostor. I mean think about it from the point of the game designer's perspective, Kara is the perfect candidate to become the impostor. Plus, she is the only one who's screwing us up by choosing 1% or 100% which both are impossible to win but yet she manages to win with the 100%." Omura added.


"I've been leading to suspect you right from the very beginning Kara, now that you have the most points, I can finally pin-point you as the impostor."

"She... has a point." Masuda said.

"Oh she really does. I told you from the beginning that Kara really is the impostor." Sugiyama applied.

'I don't care what they think of me, one thing's for certain. I am not the impostor and I definitely know who the impostor is.' I thought.

The air went silent again right as we waited for the results of the fifth round.

"With 44% of winning the race, Miss Watanabe has won the race."

Kara: 5
Omura: 3
Masuda: 4
Sugiyama: 3
Watanabe: 5

"Yatta! I won, we can still catch up if we work together." Watanabe said.

"Y'all I'm going to lose if you don't let me and Omura win." Sugiyama said.

"But how do we make you two win?"

They all tattled and tattled, but I've spoken once more about my decision.

"I-I know how to make you guys win... I-I choose 100% and you all choose whatever the hell you want."

"Why choose 100%? Wouldn't that make you lose completely?" Sugiyama said.

"O-Oh trust me brother, I-I've been here for quite some time now... and you've never even seen the games I-I've played."

"A-and, that even proves she is an impostor." Omura said.

It never felt any quieter than before, they never believed me. And then, our numbers showed up.

Round 6:
Kara: 100%
Sugiyama: 53%
Omura: 32%
Watanabe: 33%
Masuda: 37%

"With 32% of winning the race, Missus Omura has won the race."

Kara: 4
Omura: 3
Masuda: 3
Sugiyama: 2
Watanabe: 4

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