Chapter 119: Wilderness

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Positioning his hands flat on the surface beneath him, Jin pulls himself and sits up, whimpering and panting in shock from the nightmare that once again appeared in his sleep. It's been long since it haunted him in his deep slumber, and having to experience such heart racing and knee-weakening event all over again was now a hard slap of reality in his life.

Hiro was nowhere near.

His yearning integrated with fear blossomed and grew more.

The next thing that occurred to his head was his mother whom he knows is probably worried sick by now.

He bats his twitching lids, blinking and restless of the courtly foreign place he has woken up to.

His curvaceous lashes are wet and damp from the tears streaming and caressing his pale cheeks, leaving delicate glistening trails over the dim light.

Jesus Christ . . .

Where . . . Where is he?

His listless arms slowly scurry south and pull his feeble body backward, wanting to hide and run away but oath to not make a single alarming sound but the trembling music of his breath and the loudness of his chest.

His shoulders and back hit against something soft. A shrill squeak and hiccup fled his parted lips before he could even think what it was.

His pair of purple quartz nervously glances behind him.

It was a headboard.

He then surveys and examines his confused eyes in his surroundings, canvassing whichever part of the planet the strange men had brought him to.

His breath hitches to find himself alone in a massive unlit room with nothing but the moonlight gaining access from the enormous opened doors by the corner and the tips of its thin curtains gently danced by the whispering wind.

The room smelled like the forest and had a faint scent of lavender. He hears nothing but the crickets and leaves gushing from somewhere—not far, but not near.

He darts his gaze at the thick comforter pooling down his lap. He's been placed and tucked neatly above a bed. His clothes are still intact to his surprisingly fine and well rested body—not tied or restrained, nor does he feel any pain of injury—but his hair is in distress.

He can't feel anything on his feet but the soft material of his socks.

All that was taken away from him was his shoes and sanity.

And he couldn't be more terrified of the events that had transpired. His complexion continued to ashen as his cold fingers quivered against the crispy white sheets.

Bringing his eyes back to the opened doors, he tossed the comforter to the side and started running to the light, wanting to flee away from the darkness that plagues him, the danger, and the terrors.

Only for his steps to gradually stall, he stops midway—frozen in shock.

No . . .

His tears unconsciously began pouring again as he dashed through the doors.


The chilly wind grazed past the wetness on his cheeks as he held onto the glass railings over his chest. It can't be . . .

He moves his head transversely from side to side to check again but . . .

All he could see were trees . . . boundless numbers of tall pine trees hoarding his sight from left to right.

There was no inkling of sound heard or light seen from a city—from the people, but the somber and looming forest that had continued to devour his last tiny light of hope.

Powerless, he looks down from the balcony and sobs, falling to his knees on the cold stone floor. His shivering hands crawled away from the alarmingly fragile material that had only separated him from falling four hundred feet under.

His body weakened.

There was a cliff in between.

Bearing close attention to his environment, although his body had just suffered from shock, he could hear soft running waters—mellow enough for him to have known how high he was from the ground.

He wails out a soundless cry, completely hopeless.

Where exactly is he?

"Step away from the fences."

Jin's entire body hardened like the stoned floor below him. Instantly, his head turned to look behind him, and through the double doors, there he saw a tall figure standing in the center of the room he was in minutes ago.

A bone-chilling presence.

He can't help but continue to cry silently.

"It's dangerous." The stranger said so, his voice senseless and deadpanned.

Like he's not also dangerous himself. Why did they bring him here?

What does this man want?

The stranger moved, alarming Jin, and when the mysterious man took a threatening step from the doorway, his radiant chaste black hair and flitting blue eyes momentarily startled him.

A man . . . A foreign man.

Jin wanted to pee on his trouser. His heart was racing anxiously from fear of what was going to happen to him now that he is out in the open.

The man's emotionless ocean eyes glowered down at him. "Get inside."

A bit thankful that he won't be thrown out in the open, Jin remained muted while staring at the predator behind him. He couldn't move at all. His body had now given up from too much tremor.

He breathes in and meets his coldest blue eyes.

The man stares back at him, lips thinned. It was beyond obvious that he was irked, and Jin shut his eyes close, wishing for him to not consider the option of throwing him out in the open.

When he felt the weight of his body lifted off the floor, he shot his eyes open and let out a hushed cry. But the next thing he knew, he was back to sitting above the bed with now luminous lights around the room, and the same foreign man was seated on a chair a meter away from the foot of the bed and two meters away from his trembling body.

Jin gulped. He clenches his fingers through the crumpled sheets in anticipation. The silence between them was too loud.

The man's gaze punctured through his forlorn soul, sucking every fiber of life from his body. "Have you seen the vault?"

Jin gulped at his sudden question. He was both nervous about not knowing what he was talking about and getting suspected that he knew about his concern. He opens his dry lips, but not a word could escape his throat. Afraid of upsetting the stranger before him, he looks down at his fingers as tears persistently fall from his eyes.

"Where is it?" hisses the man.


He doesn't know what vault this person is talking about.

Bit by bit, panic shrouds his chest, causing it harder for him to breathe from his place.

The person grunts and rises from his seat. He took long strides forward and sat at the side of the bed, causing Jin to halt sobbing and strain his neck by abruptly lifting his head in alarm.

Too close . . .

His amethyst eyes were terrifyingly wide while looking at the man now an arm's length away from harming him.

With the pin light bathing them from above, the man's cryptic cerulean eyes holler down to his pale face intimidatingly.

He hiccups and sniffs back his snoot, not daring to move a muscle.

Author's Note:

Here's the awaited chapter. HAHAHAHA How is everyone doing?

Any thoughts for this chapter? 

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