Chapter 131

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Jin flutters his thick lashes, his eyes gaping at the serenity of the evening as Hiro's strong arms lower him down with needless care, and when the water touched his toes and sipped through his socks, he gasped, the soft sound leaving his lips after the skipping beat of his heart.

It is warm.

"The waters. . ."

He stopped to lift his head and looked up at the man with a smile of bewilderment painted on his lips. "They are warm, Hiro."

"You like it warm," whispers Hiro, nodding his head lightly in approval. His midnight eyes were fixed on how the waters below Jin turned red with blood. His thick brows met, worried.

It was not long before Jin's smile dropped from his face. His brows, too, furrow upon noticing something off behind Hiro's stiffness.

With a bit of suspicion of the cause, he, too, grew extremely concerned, his heart now uneasy. He unhurriedly releases his hold on the man's shoulders.

"I do love the warmth," Jin responds. He tried standing independently on his own two feet.

Why the sullen frown?

His eyes had refused to study the ravishing body of water around them, and instead, he examined the captivating existence in front of him. Too appealing for his beautiful brows to furrow in trouble.

What is he thinking again?

With the warmed pebbled rocks below his feet, it was therapy for his littlest wounds.

Oh. He shuts his eyes, moaning.

It feels good.

It's relieving.

"Thank you." He beams at Hiro politely.

As far as he could remember, he never did say these words to him often, but he hoped his undying sincerity somehow would reach him.

He watches how Hiro's firm expression crumbles into what seems closer to awe before the man bends and shoves his head to his shoulder.

Jin could feel the hotness of his lips sticking to the skin of his neck and he prevented himself to shudder defenselessly.

When this too feels good.

He sighed and consoled the sad man. "What is worrying you?" He mumbles to Hiro's ear.

Whenever a weak emotion crosses and appears on the man's face, Hiro would always have the habit of hiding it from him.

He used to find it adorable—too irresistible, but he is bothered about why he does that.

Why does he ever do it?

He frowns.

Hiro should know his emotions are valid and that there is nothing to be regretful of showing them.

Hiro's hands around his waist slip into an embrace. An embrace that was different and comforting, tightly warming him from the inside.

"Your wounds hurt."

Perhaps no one ever acknowledged his limitations? Jin shoved his lips to Hiro's softest hair. Oh, "No, it does not."

My sweet Hiro.

So he was worried about his wounds.

Hiro breathes, breaking in unwanted tears, "But they are bleeding."

Jin could not help the faint smile on his lips. "It stings, but it does not hurt anymore." Well, a little.

But it is bearable. "The blood had probably dried from my socks."

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