pt 2: see you later

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Hours felt like minutes as you chatted with the cute little bird. It seemed that after she had gotten over her initial fear of you, a barrier had been broken and she was suddenly talking about how she was part flamingo and part hen, and about her journey to find a new home after outgrowing her nest in her old literal treehouse home.

You in turn talked about how you had a draconic heritage and how you lived in a massive cave-like home in a relatively small village on a far off island.

The more comfortable she felt, the more closer she got; even her tail-feathers were wagging subtly from such lovely engagement, while your tail tip was flicking in happiness at the fact you were talking to such a unique civilian.

She seemed so intrigued by you, wanting to know more and more about you, while you wanted to know more about her...

It was only when you both realized the orange tint in the sky, hinting the evening coming to its end, that you both stopped.

"O-Oh my! Evening already?" Poppy jumped to her feet in surprise. "Goodness me... time flies when you have fun, huh?"

You chuckled softly. "So it does." You muttered, a sad look briefly flashing on your face. You shook your head and offered her finger to her in a form of a handshake. "It has been the greatest pleasure meeting you, Poppy."

Poppy perked up, reaching up to shake your finger with a cheerful air. "And same to you, (Name)!"

"Unfortunately now I must get going." Reluctantly, you pushed yourself up to your knees and pressed your hands into your lower back, flaring your wings out and giving them a little test flap to wake them up. Poppy suddenly turned sheepish, as she watched you rise to your feet to full height, having to use her wing to shield the sun from her eyes as she had her head cocked back to look at your face. You looked back down at her kindly one last time.

"I wish you the best in life, dear Poppy." You turned around, your wings fully spread to take flight, but before you could flap them, you felt something pull lightly at your tail tip.


You looked over your shoulder at the little red bird in surprise, folding your wings to look at her better. "Yes? What's wrong?"

She hesitated slightly, rubbing her wings together. "Uhm... by any chance... will you be... coming back here?"

Your ear twitched. "...perhaps. it's not only a lovely sunning spot, but it also has a lovely, peaceful atmosphere." You admitted slowly.

Poppy seemed to brighten up at this. "Well then... perhaps we can... meet up again then?"

Your brows raised slightly for a moment, but a happy, genuine smile spread across her face. "Of course we can."

Poppy bounced slightly, now even more excited. "I-I'll see you then!"

You nodded and gave her a little over the shoulder wave. "Until we meet again, Poppy! You might want to back up a little."

With that, you turned back forward, spreading your wings to full length, and with a powerful flap of them, your up in the air and smoothly gliding away from the meadow.

Poppy still stood where she was, watching as you flew off, not moving until she watched your silhouette disappear from view. She let out a sigh, smiling to herself at what had happened. Despite herself, she yearned to see you again, hopefully tomorrow or some other time.

"Poppy? Poppy!!"

She yelped as a semi-loud voice sounded from behind her, and she spun around to be enveloped into a semi-tight hug of what felt like joy and relief.

"There you are! We were looking all over for you! What were ya doing out here?"

"Julie!" Poppy let out a nervous giggle. "Oh... you'll never believe what just happened."

"Oooh? What happened? Tell me! Tell me, tell me, tell me!!"

Poppy winced. Part of her knew telling her was a bad idea, but it wasn't like anything bad had happened. Besides, she was surrounded by friends.

Surely they'd understand. After all, she was adding a new friend to her group anyways!

You couldn't stop smiling during your flight back to your home. You felt absolutely incredible; you've befriended a civilian! For as long as you remembered, civilians were not only afraid of your kind, not even giving you a chance to speak before fleeing in terror.

The fact mere you were given a chance made your heart swell with joy and warmth. If only there were more like her...

But again, you couldn't help but wonder about her. As pretty as she was, she wasn't natural in any sense. In fact, she almost looked like a p--

"(Name)? (Name)!"

Your attention was brought back by a voice sounding from somewhere in front of you and you looked up to find your face being nuzzled by something fuzzy. You found two large indigo eyes staring at you.

"There you are. I've been looking all over for you. Where have you been all this time?"

"Mothra..." You at her for a moment, contemplating how to respond before shaking your head. "I uh... Just went out for a little flight, is all. For a little... peace and quiet."

Mothra stared at you, before narrowing her eyes slightly. "...alright. please notify me next time, you worried me. Come."

You let out a small sigh of relief as you followed her back the rest of the way.

Even if you trusted her and that she'd likely understand, you didn't want her to know about your new friend just yet... besides, you weren't completely ready for Poppy to meet any of your colleagues just yet.

You just wanted a friendship with peace for a change...

Yes, I put mothra here. I like mothra. Deal with it.

Kinda sloppy here, but I can always revamp it when the chance comes.

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