pt 6: Lunch with Mothra

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As you came up to your cave perch, you saw mothra waiting at the peak of your cave, cleaning her antennas like usual. She looked up at you, and her eyes shined subtly in joy and relief upon seeing you.

"Ah, (Name). Just in time." She trilled lightly, her wings fluttering lightly in joy. You flew up to your alcove, letting mothra gently preen your hair with her mandibles. "Come come, eat while it's still fresh." She lead you inside your cave where she had a few crates of food offerings from her subjects.

"I can't thank you and them enough, mothy." You smiled gratefully at her. "I don't know how they manage to gather so much. I hope they aren't running their resources dry."

"Nonsense, my pupa." Mothra assured. She couldn't quite smile, but her eyes shimmered with warmth. "My subjects are resourceful. Even then, I make sure they have enough for themselves."

You nodded, smiling in admiration at her. You wondered how a titan like her can be so benevolent, especially towards denizens.

"Speaking of which, how have things been on your end in general?" You asked as you sat down beside the crate and grabbed a handful of (food of choice). "Did anything interesting happen while I was out?"

"Well, just a few things," Mothra noted, idly looking out towards the cave entrance. "We've recently come up with a few new developments."

"Yeah? Like what?" You quipped, leaning forward slightly with interest.

"Well, aside from the usual disputes between a couple titans, I ushered an idea of creating laws in order to keep hostilities to a minimum." Mothra explained.

"Oh? How did that go?" You perked up, but mothra faltered slightly.

"Not... overly well... for the most part." Mothra made a sound, similar to a sigh. "There are still quite a few residents that are opposed to the idea.

"Ah." You faltered as well, your wings drooping subtly. While you were happy to hear there'd be something to lower the disputes and needless violence in your hometown for once, you were sad to hear there were still a lot that protested against such an idea. "Did they say why?"

"Something about it being reserved for the weak. Most think that it's disgraceful for us to 'kowtow' to denizens." Mothra looked resentful as she said this.

"Kowtow?? How can they say that?? You literally have humans that worship you! How can that be seen as weak!?" You bristled, unaware of your wings tensing up.

"Settle down." Mothra set a foreleg on your head. "You must remember, our older residents are more used to living without rules. Especially those with more power than they know what to do with."

You sighed, feeling your wings droop back down. As much as you wanted to, you just couldn't really understand how anyone could favor this feral, savage lifestyle. You yourself never really grew to favor violence so much; for you it was more of a last resort, or emergencies at best. But you never truly got around to just... go out of your way to abuse your strength and abilities against anyone, especially towards those who were smaller than you.

It's probably what made you a bit of an outcast in your town, maybe even a bit of a target to some residents. Thankfully it were kaijus like mothra and a few others that always assured you that having compassion was a great power, as it will likely be repayed somehow.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much. After all, it's still under development." Mothra trilled, taking a moment to preen her foreleg, before focusing her attention on you. "But enough about me, How was your flight?"

"It was refreshing, as usual." You smiled serenely, relaxing a bit more and sitting back down. "Say, after lunch, do you mind if I head back out?"

"Not at all. Just be back by dark." Mothra replied, helping herself to a few bites of food. "May I ask where you plan on heading off to?"

"Oh, you know..." You smiled lightly. "Just to a nice little relaxing spot I found."

"Oh? Another relaxing spot?" Mothra mused, turning to look at you. "Where is this one located?"

"It's... a forest based place." You replied steadily, keeping it vague as you popped another handful of food into your mouth. "It has a nice grove to sun bath in."

"Ah, I see. Sounds lovely." Mothra idles. She suddenly looked straight at you, her one eye narrowing into a look of suspicion. "...Is it near a civilization?"

The question made you pause mid-chew. You still didn't want to tell her about your small friends, but you knew she'd see through the lie. " a matter of speaking."

"Yeah...?" Mothra's antenna twitched with interest, as she tilted her head. "Did... anyone see you?"

"...well..." you mentally froze as Mothra's blue eyes somewhat bore into yours. Even if she had a good relationship with most small denizens, she knew that others weren't exactly trustworthy. And the last thing you needed was for her to follow you back to your new friends' turf. It might put her, as well as your friends off.

"Well..." You fought to maintain eye contact as you tried to keep your voice from faltering. "Not... really."

You mentally swore at yourself for speaking so stupidly.

Mothra's eyes narrowed and you suddenly felt the intensity of her stare increase. For a moth kaiju with limited facial features, her stare still burned.

"Well... I'd be careful if I were you. You know how unpredictable denizens can be when it comes to us." Mothra preened one of her antennas, still giving you that stern look. "Try to keep as low as possible."

You inwardly sighed in relief, smiling as you saluted her with your wing. "Yes, mothy."

Thankfully, mothra didn't question it any further. Even if she looked a bit uncertain, you knew she was giving you the benefit of the doubt.

The rest of your lunch date carried on peacefully, as you both simply conversed and let yourselves unwind.

After finishing up, you bid your farewell to mothra and headed back out, off towards the colorful Grove.

As you came up to the lime green patch of land, you smiled upon seeing that familiar red little bird, and cutesy pink monstress...



Your eyes squinted at the 6 other figures beneath the treeline.

There's more?

Surprise! More into reader-kaiju's lore! :D

Sorry for the lengthy wait, but I had a bit of writer's block with this. Bit of a wordy filler, but I hope this will suffice!

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