pt 4: meeting a rainbow monstress

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Note: you might need to know dragon wing/bat wing anatomy for this.

Your eyes flicked to the tree line, just in time to see what looked like a pink girl standing just at the forest's edge. She walked into the sun's light to get a better look, you saw she had a headful of thick blonde hair that stretched down to her waist, and a short red-pink dress with a small white belt around her waist and puffy shoulder sleeves. She had green-blue gradient stockings and white mary-jane shoes. Completing the cute look where the two small red-pink and yellow striped horns sticking up from her head.

She looked up in wide-eyed wonder, taking a few steps towards you as you looked back at her, with a polite closed-lipped smile, resting your head in your hands in a relaxed stance.

She looked up in wide-eyed wonder, taking a few steps towards you as you looked back at her, with a polite closed-lipped smile, resting your head in your hands in a relaxed stance

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"Hello there."

"WOOOW!!" Julie pressed her hands into her cheeks, her eyes sparkling in awe as she bounced excitedly in her spot. "Oh my golly, it's actually them!"

She ran up to you with impressive speed, stopping just in front of you and stood on her tip-toes as if she were trying to reach your face, waving her hand to you excitedly. "Hi there! I'm Julie Joyful! You're (Name)??"

You stifled a giggle at the energetic little bean. Her name was truly befitting for her. "That I am. Nice to meet you."

"Ooooh wow! You're even more amazing in real life!" She put a hand up to her forehead, trying to avert the sun's glare so she can look at your face. "So you're an actual kai-juice? What's a kai-juice?"

"It's pronounced Kai-ju, dear." You corrected with a soft chuckle and shake of your head. "But yes, I am a Kaiju. It's Japanese for 'strange beast.'"

"Strange beast? That sounds mean." Julie grumbled, crossing her arms in a childish manner. You had to stifle a giggle at her adorable little pout. "You don't look strange, OR a beast!"

"Oh?" You lifted your brow with a little smirk. "You don't find the way I look to be the least bit uncanny? A big humanoid with dragon-like parts?" Your flick your tail and flutter your wings for emphasis. "That's not strange to you?"

"No. I think you look cool." She stated stubbornly, still wearing that cute little pout. "I would love to have wings! I mean, I got horns," She brings her hands up and taps the tips of her horns with a proud little smile. "But they're not as big or as cool as yours!"

"Nonsense, I think yours are quite charming." You reassured genuinely. "I love their striped pattern. They look adorable."

"Aw ya think so?" She giggled, happily bouncing on her toes, placing her hands on her cheeks to hide the redness that appeared on them. You nodded, smiling warmly. "I mean, overall you're adorable as a whole."

Julie looked ready to burst with excitement as she squished her reddened face, dancing in place while giggling giddily to herself.

"Didn't I tell you, dear?" Poppy smiled, happy at the interaction between you and Julie. "I told you they were sweet once you got to know them!"

"I didn't know they were this sweet!" She bounced on her toes excitedly, looking up at you with the joy only a child would have after seeing an especially impressive magic trick. You chuckled softly, your wings relaxing themselves and spreading out to their full length. Once Julie saw this, her eyes lit up like the stars. "And those WINGS! Can I touch them!?"

Before you could form a reply, she darts forward towards one of your wings, and ran her hands along the length of the second finger of your wing, and you flinched slightly at the sudden contact. Her hands felt warm... and oddly soft.

"Wow! So smooth!" Julie beamed excitedly. "Can I climb them?"

"N-Now Julie! Ya gotta wait for them to answer...!" Poppy reminded in a slightly panicked voice, running up to the pink girl just in time to stop her from making the attempt to climb. "This might be making them uncomfortable!"

"Don't worry, I'm okay." You reassured her. "She can climb on them. Just be careful; my scales are slippery."

With an excited squeal, Julie wasted no time in pulling her herself onto your wing, with Poppy anxiously watching as she did. After gaining balance, she stood on the wing's second finger, staring down at it in excitement. "Wow! They're stronger than trees!"

"They gotta be," You stated, watching with amusement as she walked along the length of your wing, with her arms out for balance. "So they can support me when I'm in the air."

She made it to your shoulder, where you clearly heard her gasp and you kind of flinched from how close she was to your ear. "Oooh, just like Poppy!"

After jittering excitedly, she sat herself down on your shoulder, casually swinging her legs as she swayed to a soundless rhythm. "Sooooooo... what brought you here?"

"Oh, I just came out here for some freedom is all." You answered, gently playing with strands of grass between your fingers. "You know, to feel the wind in your hair, the sun on your back... just to get a little piece of mind, ya know?" You felt your smile fade slightly as you traced a finger along the ground. "It's.. nice to have a little change of environment once in a while."

Julie's smile grew as another short gasp was heard. "Really?" She stopped playing with your hair, and leaned forward slightly towards you. "Me too!"

Your ear flicked with interest. "Really?"

"Well, sorta," Julie muses, idly resuming to play with your hair, enjoying the silky smooth texture it had. "When I was living with my family in the forest I kinda wanted to have a life on my own, see? So one day when me and my siblings were hanging out--"

 "When I was living with my family in the forest I kinda wanted to have a life on my own, see? So one day when me and my siblings were hanging out--"

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