pt 5: be right back

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"--and that's what it was like living in the forest!" Julie concluded cheerfully, laying on her back on your shoulder.

"My, sounds like a lot of fun!" You smiled brightly at her story. "You sound like you have a very lovely family."

"Oh my siblings would love you!" Julie cheered, flapping her hands excitedly, kicking her feet in the air. She then gasped and rolled onto her belly, pushing herself up at a sudden idea. "And so would everyone else back at the neighborhood! Oh you gotta come meet my friends sometime!"

You chuckled lightly, bringing a finger upto your new pink friend, letting her grab on and swing on it, like one would do on a jungle gym. "Perhaps I might, tomorrow." You looked over to check the sun's position and found that it was nearly evening. You had to check in with mothra, so she wouldn't get suspicious. "...however, I'm afraid I must go for a brief moment."

"Awh, really?" Julie was disappointed as you set her down gently beside Poppy.

"Oh I'll be back in a bit!" You were quick to reassure her. "I just... need to run a brief Kaiju errand." You made up on the spot.

"Ooooh, okay!" Julie seemed none the wiser, as her eyes instead lit up with awe and admiration. "But, promise you'll be back to meet everyone?"

"Of course, dear Julie!" You lightly booped her on the nose, slowly arising to your feet and spreading your wings out. "I'll be back in 20 minutes or less."

"Okay! We'll be right here when ya get back!" Julie waved cheerfully to you with Poppy waving as well. "Please fly safely!"

"I will!" You assured, turning around with a brief wave before taking a few steps away from the two before taking flight with a leap. Then you flew off, leaving Julie in awe and Poppy watching with a gentle smile.

"Oh my GOSH!!" Julie bounced in excitement. "I MET AN ACTUAL KAIJU PERSON TODAY!!" She exclaimed, her hands fluttering ecstatically as she spun in place.

Poppy had to step back to avoid Julie's joyous flailing but she giggled, happy to see her friend react so positively to meeting you.

"And they're even nicer in person!" Julie squished her cheeks, as a reddish tint appeared on them. "I can't believe it... A real gentle giant!"

"I know! It's almost like being in Sally's plays... only it's real!"

"Oh boy! Wait until everyone sees them!" Julie then grabbed both of Poppy's wings, looking at her with eyes wild with excitement. "Come on! Let's go tell em!"

Both exchanged gleeful squeals before running back towards the forest line, where their neighborhood lies.


You flew at a slightly quick pace as you flew back to your home island, in hopes that you didn't keep mothra waiting for too long.

I can hope she won't be asking questions either...

As much as you trusted Mothra, you didn't want to be scaring off your friends by bringing in anymore Kaijus to their neck of the woods yet. You knew that Mothra's judgement was more benevolent, you didn't trust the idea of leading anyone like-


A gruff squawk suddenly sounded from somewhere. Then you were roughly headbutted in the side, nearly knocking you out of the air. You cried out instinctively, flailing slightly as you caught yourself, before letting out a gruff snort in whom ever decided to slam into you so recklessly. Once you recognized who it was, your mood crumbled.

"Rodan... can't you greet me in a less reckless manner!?"

"Ah, but where's the fun in that?" He let out with a gruff, grating squawk of a chuckle as he circled you midair. "Couldn't find ya during your 'morning flight'! You avoidin' us?"

"Precisely." You muttered, rolling your eyes. "Your last hazing session nearly broke my wings!"

"Oh come ooon, I'm only trying to toughen you up, squishy!" He bumped your forehead with this beak, which made you wince. "Besides, what doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger, am I right?"

"Sure." You deadpanned. You couldn't tell if he meant well or was doing this for his own entertainment half time. "I gotta see mothra for lunch, I don't have much time for this."

As you moved to fly past him, you heard him call to you. "Oh, okay! Give Mothy a peck for me, would ya?"

You smirked to yourself. "Sure I won't!"

Now I bring Rodan into this?

...of course I have.

There's more than mothra, ya know?

P.s. please don't ask for more pages/ask for the next update, it slows me down due to pressure.

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