Chapter One

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Emilys pov:

Today is my first day at the FBI. I got up super early to get ready and plan everything I should wear, eat, say, and act.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face. It was now time to pick out an outfit. The worst part. I don't know what to wear!! What would be a good outfit for my first impression?

I ended up going with a full black outfit. Black long sleeved turtle neck, with black flared pants and black boots. It's a chilly day outside, so I think this is a good outfit. It's also all black, so how bad can it be for a first impression?

I started doing my hair. I decided to curl it today. I did some light makeup, then made my way to my kitchen. I got some coffee and toast. I was now on my way down the stairs of my apartment building and into my car.

On my way over to the BAU, I started going over a million scenarios that can happen. I decided to listen to some music to get over the thoughts. I started playing metallica, so my scenarios were out the window by the time I got to my new job.

When I got there, I made sure I looked good so I could make a good impression on everyone who was on my team.

I entered the building and went into the elevator, and right when I was going to click on the 6th floor, a colorful and really bright blonde woman clicked on it right before I could. "What floor are you going on?" Asked the cheery lady. "Same floor as you." I said, a huge smile appeared on her face. "OH M G, YOU'RE THE NEW PERSON ON OUR TEAM!! MY NAME IS MS. PENELOPE GARCIA I'M THE TECHNICAL ANALYST." She shook my hand, and before I could speak, the doors opened. "Mr. Boss man's office is in through those doors and up the little stairs first door. See you later, it was nice meeting you!"

And just like that, I was entering the double doors. Right when I entered, I was met with the smell of coffee and fresh printed paper smell. I saw the stairs the technical analyst told me about. I started walking towards them, but I saw this group of three people staring at me and whispering. They weren't really whispering if I could hear what they were saying, "Who's that?", "Is she the new agent?"I turned to look at them, and they spread out like wildfire.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. I heard a stern voice say, "Come in!" So I did, "Agent Emily Prentiss, " I said, shaking his hand. "Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner, nice having you on the team. Your desk is just out the door by the stairs.", "Thank you!"

I opened the door to go to my desk, but I was met with a beautiful blonde woman. She was stunning, almost like she was a princess from a Disney movie. "Oh, sorry," the beautiful woman said. "N- no, you're ok." "Hello I'm Jennifer Jareau, the communication liason. You can call me jj if you'll like. "Emily Prentiss, nice meeting you," I said, shaking her hand. They were so soft and delicate.

"I'm sorry, but I have to talk to Agent Hotchner." Jj said,"Yeah, yeah, no, you're good, sorry." Right after that, akward situation. I went to my desk and started unpacking some of the things I have brought with me from my last job. I unpacked some pens, highlighters, and a drawing. A boy named Declan made me when I was on a case at my last job.

"Round table in five, we've got a new case," Agent Hotchner said. Everyone started getting their case files and walking up to the round table. Jj, on the other hand, was walking towards me with a couple of case files in hand. "These are yours. This one is today's case, so just take this up with you to the round table." Right when she said that, I went up the stairs and into a pretty good and spacious room. It had a round table with eight chairs and a TV mounted on the wall.

"Everyone, this is Agent Emily Prentiss, the new agent on the team." Everyone waved and said hello. "We are heading to Arkansa were six women have been found in dumpsters behind bars brutally tortured and raped." Said jj."It looks like they've been tied up and strangled by the laceration marks on their wrists and neck," said a young looking boy with long slicked back hair and glasses. "Wheels Up in 10"

Everyone was getting up. I was on my way to my desk when I was stopped by the three people who were looking at me this morning. "Hello, I'm Derek Morgan." Said a tall and muscular man. "This is Dr. Spencer Reid and Elle Greenaway" I was going to go shake the young man's hand, but he waved, so I just waved back, then I shook Agent Greenaways hand "Nice to meet you. Sorry for the stares earlier," said the brunette. "It's fine, really," I said.

I went back to my desk to grab my to-go bag from under my desk to go onto the jet. I started talking to Elle on our way to the jet, and she told me a lot of emmbarsing stories about Agent Morgan. They were funny.

On the jet, we started to talk about the case. After we were done talking about it, I walked to the back of the plain and sat on the chair next to the window. All I can think of was Jennifer. The way she smelt like vanilla, how soft and delicate her hands were, and how pretty she was. She was a walking Disney princess. Everything about her amazed me. Her talent, her skills, her voice, her hair, and her scent.

No, no, no, snap out of it, Emily. I can't think of her in that way. She's my co-worker, and it's against the rules. I can't. She looks straight, too. Just snap out of it.

After my little daydream about my co worker. I started getting tired, so I looked around to see if it was ok for me to sleep. I saw Morgan with headphones listening to music and sleeping, and Dr. Reid was reading a book, and Agent Hotchner is looking over the case along with a man I didn't quit introduce myself with. Elle and Jj were sleeping. Jj is so pretty when she sleeps. She looks so angelic. Snap out of it, Emily.

After looking around and seeing I can sleep, I went to sleep until we landed in Arkansa.

Authors note: I hope this is a good first chapter for my first story, I know it doesn't really talk about Emily's thoughts about Jj, but I just want to make this book long.

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