Chapter Quince

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Elle Pov:

"Emily is taking so long up there." I told Penelope.

"Right, what if she woke up?" Penelope asked with a surprised look.

"I doubt it. She would've told us by now." I said.

The conversation died down after I said that, but then Penelope started to speak once again.

"Do you think they'll ever date?" She blurted.

"I'm not sure, JJ is definitely in denial that she's bisexual. So I doubt they'll date any time soon." I said.

"Wanna make a bet?" Penelope said.

"What are we betting on?" Morgan asked, coming in from the front doors.

"Oh, hi, welcome my chocolate thunder." Penelope Said.

"We're betting on whether or not Emily and JJ will start dating. I say not any time soon, Penelope says they'll date in a couple of months." Hotch and Gideon stood there not paying attention or so, I thought.

"They'll end up dating in about a year." Hotch said, which took everyone by surprise.

Spencer was still confused onwhat was going on.

"They're too blind to see they love each other." Giedon said, which took everyone by surprise, but he just went to the front desk.

"I give it 6 months top." Morgan said.

"Why are you guys here anyway?" I ask.

"What do you mean 'why are you here' ?" Morgan asked, putting two fingers up in the air while saying,'Why are you here?'.

"We're here because we got a call from Emily saying JJ woke up." Hotch says.

Me and Penelope look at each other in shock. "I told you!!" Penelope said.

Right when she said that, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket


P: You guys can come up. Jennifer woke up, and they moved her to the 3rd floor. Her room number is 1300.

E: Yeah, we're on our way. Hotch came over with the boys and told us he got a call from you telling them JJ had woken up.


Emily's Pov:

We were now in Jennifer's new hospital room. I got up to call Hotch and texted Elle.

I went back inside the room and walked towards the seat next to her bed, "The team is on their way up here." I said, holding Jennifer's hand. She's been letting me hold her hand. She hasn't taken her hand away from mines so I'm taking advantage of her touch.

Jennifer gave me a smile in understanding.

We stayed in comfortable silence until the team came.

"Oh sweetie, it's so good seeing you awake." Penelope said, holding her hands out while walking towards Jennifer to give her a hug.

"Hi, Penelope." Jennifer said, hugging Penelope back.

"Nice to see you awake, blondie." Elle said, hugging Jennifer.

"Nice to be awake." Jennifer said.

"Welcome back." Both Hotch and Gideon said.

Spencer gave a little wave and walked towards Elle to stand next to her. They have been getting close to each other. They'll make a cute couple not gonna lie, the sweet, smart kid with the alcoholic 'I don't give a fuck' girl.

"How is it you still look stunning while being all beat up?" Morgan said I know he's not wrong, but him calling Jennifer 'stunning' just makes me mad.

Jennifer laughed at his little comment, making me a little more mad at him.

I must've squeezed Jennifer's hand a little too tight because I heard her wince.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you okay?" I said worried.

"I'm fine. You just squeezed a bit too tight." Jennifer said laughing.

Everyone just stared at me with concern and confusion.


Elle's Pov:

We heard JJ wince and Emily apologizing.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you okay?" Emily said.

Me and Penelope gave each other a look, knowing that Emily and JJ were holding hands. We just weren't sure why Emily squeezed her hand so hard.

Spencer is still confused about what was happening downstairs with the betting, and now he's more confused about why Emily was apologizing for JJ wincing. It's funny but cute seeing how he being a genuis is so confused all the time.


JJ's Pov:

Once the team came in, I thought Emily would let go of my hand, but she didn't.

She still held my hand even though people were hugging me, and she didn't let go once.

"How is it you still look stunning while being all beat up?" Morgan asked. I felt Emily's hand squeeze my hand lightly. It wasn't tight, so I was ok.

I laughed at Morgan's commentary, and that's when Emily squeezed my hand even more. I winced in pain.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you okay?" Emily said.

Did Emily just get jealous about Morgan complimenting me? No, no, she didn't. It's just in your head. Why would she get jealous?

I let the topic go because I thought it was all in my head and that Emily just didn't realize she was squeezing me hand.


Everyone had left, but Elle.

They did this rock paper scissors challenge to see who gets to stay the night today.

Only Morgan, Elle, and Penelope volunteered to play but forced Emily to play too.

Elle won, of course.

"Alright, blondie, what do you want to do? Binge watch twilight or talk about your little crush on Emily Prentiss?" Elle asked.

"Wh- what? I don't have a crush on Emily." I said, trying to hide the blush trying to creep in.

"I'm no love expert, but it's obvious you and Emily like each other. You're just too blind to see just talk to her for God's sake." Elle said.

"Like you talk to Spence. Plus, I do talk to Emily. You guys are just never there." I said.

"What are you trying to say about Spencer?" Elle asked curiously.

"I see the love eyes you both give each other, mainly you. You have those heart emoji eyes every time he goes around you, take today as an example. When Emily was apologizing to me, Spence was confused about what was going on, and you looked at him with these loving eyes of desperation." I trying to get the topic on something other than me and Emily.

Elle just stayed silent and turned the TV on to play Twilight.

I ended up falling asleep.

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