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ILYANA RARELY JOINED MISSIONS, and when she did, she was typically a spotter. But she was embarking on her first mission with her brothers today. The two boys shouted with delight when they were given the chance and were motivated to show their parents they were deserving of success.
Rä, Ilyana's ikran, sailed close to her younger sibling. The three were waiting for their chance to shine. The males appeared excited, but Ilyana could tell they were not having fun by the dull expressions on their faces.

"Ground team, go!" Their dad announced through their comms.

On his ikran, Bob, which he foolishly gave when he first acquired his iknimaya a little more than fifteen years ago, Jake soared through the air. Their mother shot her arrows at sky creatures while she sailed on her ikran.

"Let's go. Two minutes, people. Let's go."

The group of three floated closer to the action to take in the spectacle from above while observing the Na'vi below them prepare their weapons.

"Bro, we have got to get down there." Lo'ak suggests to his two siblings.

"No way! Dad will skin us!" Neteyam rejects looking towards Ilyana hoping for her to nod in agreement.

"Come on, Tey. Him skinning us isn't new." Ilyana convinces with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Come on. Don't be a wuss." Lo'ak negotiates before flying towards the ground soon followed by Ilyana.

"Lo'ak, Ilyana! Get back here, you..." Neteyam doesn't even finish his sentence before growling in annoyance at his stupid siblings.

He believed his siblings were morons for making such a careless choice, but Lo'ak and Ilyana's destructive behaviour was nothing new.

The group landed, disembarked from their ikrans, and moved in the direction of Norm, a lab worker who was dispensing weapons with other Na'vi.

"Come on, let's go. Come on!" Lo'ak hurries the two eldest.

"Lo'ak!" Neteyam scolds.

"Come on, Tey." Ilyana urges quickly following behind Lo'ak.

When the weapons are distributed, Lo'ak rushes over and takes one from the Na'vi standing across from him.

"Here, boy. Go!"

Lo'ak let out a war cry in excitement—now their mission was getting exciting.

"You don't even know how to use it." Neteyam tells his brother.

"Dad taught me." Lo'ak responds as he loaded the gun.

"You're telling me he taught you instead of me?" Ilyana asks in disbelief.

"Just proves I'm better, Sis." Lo'ak jokes.

"Skxawng." Ilyana mutters under her breath while looking down at her four fingered hand slowly itching her palm.
Neteyam nudges Ilyana's shoulder trying to warn her about the warships coming towards them.

"Shit." Ilyana shouts, "Come on!" Lo'ak shouts at his siblings. The three fly through the air after being hit by a shot from behind. Ilyana crashes squarely on her back, groans in agony, and practically passes out.
"Lo'ak, where are you? Neteyam! Ilyana." Ilyana faintly hears her fathers voice in the background of her screaming brain.

Jake finds Lo'ak knelt down on the floor lifting himself up.

"Easy, easy, you okay?" Jake says laying his hands on his son's shoulders.


"Where's your brother and sister?" Jake asks the boy.

"That way." Lo'ak points to his left.

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