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THE OLDEST SULLY GIRL sat in the mauri pod's corner in silence. Typically, she felt responsible for her sister's seizure and felt that she should have reacted to it. Despite being aware of the girl's difficulties adjusting to their new house, she didn't take it seriously at all. But it was too late now.
Her mother was pacing across the mauri and her younger sister was standing in the opposite corner of the room to Ilyana as Kiri's lifeless body lay in the centre of the room. Ilyana had no idea that her mother was watching her fumble with the song chord from a distance. Since Kiri's seizure, her hands had continued to shake and this worried Neytiri.

Norm and Max had arrived almost an hour prior and were treating Kiri with their human ways.

"There's no bleed." Max states. "There's no fracture. No effects of hypoxia."

Those big words had caused Ilyana's anxiety to rise massively. Tuk had moved closer to Ilyana watching as the beads of her song chord moved up and down almost in sync with the beeping sound coming from one of Norm and Max's devices.

"Brain looks good." Max looks up at Norm.

"But we still have this interictal activity right here in the prefrontal." Norm tells the duo to his right and left.

"She's definitely had a seizure."

The conversation is blocked out from Ilyana's ears as Ronal approaches the mauri eyeing the peculiar men aiding Kiri.

"I see that. I am not needed here." Ronal says looking at Kiri and beginning to walk out.

Neytiri grabs her arm. "You are Tsahik!"

"Remove these things." Ronal orders.

"Out! You have done nothing." Neytiri shouts as the eldest and youngest Sully look up at their mother.

"Come on, come on. Let's just take a break." Jake panics helping his friends to get their stuff together.

"Okay, hold on. I gotta take her IV off." Norm says as he follows the other two men outside.

At this point, Tuk, Ilyana and Neytiri were surrounding Kiri's body along with Ronal.

"Tuktirey." Ronal calls motioning for her to hold the pot containing something Ilyana hadn't know off. The pregnant woman began speaking in Na'vi pressing an needle across Kiri's body. The woman then tilting Kiri onto her side breathing deeply into her back before blowing above. She continued doing it until Kiri awoke which wasn't long after as her eyes began fluttering open.

"Kiri." Tuk says gasping. "Your awake!"

At this reaction, Ilyana's unreadable faces becomes a grin at the somewhat good news.

Neytiri takes Kiri's hand in her own as she begins to cry. "Oh, Kiri. Kiri, my sweet child. Oh, my sweet little girl."

Ilyana notices her dad sitting beside her, wrapping his arm around his eldest daughter's shoulder.

Not long after Kiri had settled and slowly became comfortable again, Tuk bombarded the girl with questions about what happened, which Kiri refused to answer and instead asked Tuk questions to change the conversation.

Ilyana was picking out new beads to put in her hair once she re-does it. She was specifically trying to find pink beads to match her new top but was struggling dearly. Neytiri was yet again observing her daughter and her weird behaviour.

"Ilyana." Neytiri calls, looking at her daughter, whose head raised quickly at the call of her name. Neytiri pats the space beside her, motioning for her to come over. Ilyana abandons the beads trotting over to her mother, taking a seat.

"I noticed you fidgeting with your song chord." Neytiri says as she is smiling softly at her, causing the girl to look at her mother.

"Oh." She replies deadpan, only just acknowledging what she had been doing the entirety of the time Kiri was unconscious.

"Yeah, sorry." The girl apologises.

"No. Don't apologise. I made you something." Neytiri explains before grabbing a small beaded string. Ilyana squints her eyes at this.

"What?" She asks, confused, as her mother places beaded string into Ilyana's hands. It was decorated with pink and yellow beads ( her two favourite colours ) patterned with small swirls. It turns out her mother knew her too well.

"What is it?" She questions her mother.

"It's something you can mess with when you're nervous." Neytiri says placing a hand on her daughter's shoulder causing her to smile brightly.

"Thank you." Ilyana appreciates attaching the small bead to her hip.

HARLS speaks !

sorry for the short chapter; i was out most of the week, and i won't be able to get an update out at all next week.

sorry for any grammar mistakes btw!

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