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ILYANA FELT like shit.
She knew that the vision she had of the spirit tree meant something but didn't think much of it. But her wounds were still there only not bleeding out. But now she was also in a void, thinking of all her faults.

Her unbraided hair reached midway through her back. She often tied up her hair but left her ties back home. Not only did she feel like shit, she was exhausted. But her main feeling was anger. Anger over Quaritch destroying her home. Anger over leaving her home. Anger over her brother's death.

She wondered if, in another universe, her family was safe. She wondered if, in another universe, Neteyam didn't suffer. He didn't—you know. She shouldn't even be thinking of that, right? She should be figuring out a way out of this stupid void.

Her eyes rose to the Navi, which stood in front of her. Her vision was fuzzy. Her eyelids were heavy. She rubbed her eyes, then realised

"Neteyam." She whispers softly without even realising she's being pulled into a warm embrace.

What's up, baby sister?" He greets, and Ilyana can already feel the grin on his face.

"I'm older than you, Skxawng." She argues, but she is happy to hear his voice again.

"Where are we?" Ilyana asks her brother, brows furrowed in confusion as she pulls away, eager to hear his response.

"With Eywa." He shared, sending his sister a sad smile. And then that's when Ilyana realised. She was dead.

She was fucking dead.

"Am I dead?" She requested; it was a stupid question because she already somewhat knew. The second whatever that thing was hit her on the back, she knew.

"No." Neteyam replies, and this left Ilyana surprised. "You're on the line of life and death."

"Oh." She mutters, looking at the floor. "What about you?" Her voice was angelic-like but also slightly nervous.

"I'm long gone." He jokes, letting out a chuckle, causing Ilyana to punch him.

"It's not funny, Tey." She lectured her brother.

"I'm dead, Yana." He admits snapping his sister back into reality.

"So then why're you here?" The girl queries, her shoulders drooping. She knew why, but she still asked anyway.

"To tell you it's not your time." He whispers, announcing the so-called miracle. "We don't have much time. You're going to wake up soon." He placed his three fingers on her chest, where her heart was beating rapidly. "I'll be with you. Right here."

Ilyana didn't know how to feel right now. She felt horrible. Her dead twin brother stood in front of her, telling her she was meant to be alive.

"I guess I'll see you on the other side, twin." She speaks up, looking into her brother's eyes as he smirks at her.

"You too, Yana. Remember to thank Eywa." He advises before Ilyana's vision goes completely black.

Her entire body ached. Her body was tight and she was certain that she had a lot of bile in her stomach that was just itching to rise to the surface and leave her mouth.

Her body shifted as her green eyes blinked open. Her emerald orbs scanned the room eyes landed on the decorated shells which lay in the corner of the room. She forced her body up leaving her sat in a pike position groaning as she did so.

"Don't move. The paste is still wet." Ilyana heard a voice from her right. Kiri sat there, dark circles plastered under her eyes, with a bowl of paste in her hands. "Lay down." She ordered; she didn't mean to be so stern, but she was annoyed at her idiot of a sister for jumping in to fight Quaritch; if it wasn't for their father, she still would've been dead.

"I'm sorry, sister." Ilyana mumbled, guilty of her actions.

"Prove you're sorry by staying still." Kiri rolled her eyes, stifling a laugh. Ilyana didn't hesitate to stifle her laugh, but it ended with a loud, dry cough.

"Shit." Ilyana says it was becoming obvious that her throat was extremely dry.

At the loud coughing, the family entered the pod one by one. Loak was first followed by Tuk, then Jake and Neytiri behind them.

"Holy shit." Lo'ak mumbles at the sight of his sister awake. Tuk doesn't hesitate to run over, taking a seat beside Kiri and immediately helping apply the paste. Once the two parents enter the room, it no longer stays silent. Neytiri runs over to her eldest, placing Ilyana's head into her lap.

"Thank you, Eywa. She whispers, playing with the girl's hair. Ilyana has no emotion. I mean, she couldn't even sit up without feeling any pain.

After the paste dried, with assistance from her mother, Ilyana sat up, leaning against the wall of the pod. One by one, each family member hugged the girl, glad that she was okay. When Ilyana hugged Loak, she felt like he hugged her so tight she was going to die again. Even if she shouldn't make those jokes, it was true. When Tuk hugged her, she winced at the stinging of her wounds, which her littlest sister had accidentally touched.

"Be careful, Tuk." Neytiri scolds, worried for her daughter's health.

When Neytiri hugged Ilyana, she held her close but not tight. The mother sobbed slightly into her daughter's shoulder. She imagined her pale state lying in her mate's arms and sobbed harder. Ilyana was stunned at the gesture but closed her eyes, dipping her head into her mom's shoulder and closing her eyes tight. The hearing in the right ear was muffled. Jake noticed that her right ear hadn't twitched the whole time she'd been awake, and he assumed why, and it wasn't something good.

Jake held his daughter close, much like Neytiri did. He rubbed her shoulder, happy that he didn't lose her either. If he lost both his firstborn son and firstborn daughter on the same day, he would've been lost.

They all would've been lost.

HARLS speaks !

epilogue is next!!

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