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JAKE SULLY was scared. Sometimes he'd wonder what would've happened if Tom hadn't died. He wished that the peaceful life he had with the kids and Neytiri lasted longer. What if Grace had survived that gunshot? Having lost a child to the war makes him regret a lot of things. After racing around the whole ship, killing any Sky People who came into his sight, he finally reached his location. However, he had only seen Tuk and not Kiri.

"Dad! Dad." The youngest whispers softly, trying to get closer to her father.

"Okay. Where's your sister? Where is she? Where is she?" Jake asked, and adrenaline was rushing all around his body for different reasons. He laid his hands on Tuk's shoulders.

"That way. That way."

"Okay. Stay behind me." He orders, looking forward, only to see Quaritch turning the corner with Kiri to his chest and a knife to her throat.

"Kiri!" Tuk whines, almost letting out a sob.

"Runnin' out of time here, Corporal. You already lost one kid today. You really wanna lose another." He taunts, his eyebrows furrowing the more he looks at Jake. Kiri lay on his chest, and he couldn't do anything about it. Without knowing it, Jake inches forward, grunting.

"Do not test me!" Quaritch sneers, tightening the grip on Kiri's throat.

"Just kill him, Dad!" Then Quaritch tightens the knife to her throat once again, silencing the girl.


"Weapons down."

"Don't. Don't do it."

"Down!" Quaritch demands as Jake obeys.

"Kick em' away." He pauses, looking down at Jake. "Do it!"

Jake had no choice but to obey. Quaritch then grabs some orange cuffs from behind, throwing them to the floor.

"Cuff yourself."

"No! No, don't hurt her, okay?" Spider comes running from around the corner. "Don't."

"Stand there!" He shouts at the young boy as Jake picks up the cuffs. "Don't move! Not a step!"

He then faces Jake again. "Cuffs on. Now."

"You son of a bitch." Jake cursed at the man. Neytiri runs around the same corner. Spider did grab the boy by his neck, holding him the same way Quaritch was holding Kiri.

"Release. Or I cut."

"What, you think I care about some kid?" He pauses and shakes his head. "He's not mine. We're not even the same species."

"Just please.. please don't hurt her. Just please let her go." Spider perseveres and asks again. "Please!"

"Don't kill him." Kiri murmurs.

"Listen to me. Let her go. Don't hurt her."

"Mom, don't kill him."

"A son for a son." Neytiri hisses at the man.

"Please don't hurt her." Spider begs again.

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