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SINCE SHE COULD REMEMBER, Ilyana had committed to herself that she would always stand up for her siblings, and this was one of those occasions. As the little girl led the older one along, Tuk's hand was firmly around Ilyana's.

She was anxious even if she didn't acknowledge it at the time. Ilyana's eyes wandered, checking each tree to make sure nothing was there as the the group crept into the woodland in search of cover. The girl couldn't help but wonder what would have occurred if she had advised Lo'ak against going to the battleground, and part of her wished she had. But she knew it was inevitable.

"You're going to be in so much trouble." Kiri says aiming her words at Lo'ak.

"Kiri, stop." He tells her

"Guys, come on."

Tuk runs forwards determined to get home before eclipse.
"It's almost eclipse, come on!"
Exactly on cue, an avatar approaches from behind her and grabs her arm.
While Kiri watches from behind them, unsure of what to do, the two lads lift their bows and arrows and hiss at the avatars. Ilyana, however, had different plans and climbed a tree from above to hide behind the group.

"Put it down!" The avatars oblige in english, "Put it down or I'll shoot you!"

"Drop it!"

Lo'ak gives in dropping his bow to the floor.

"Do not move! Put your hands up!"

"Put it down. Put it down." Lo'ak tells Spider as he drops his too.

The avatars grab them by their shoulders, restraining them. Ilyana watches from above in horror and then can only think of the man their father told them about when they were young—in other words, Spider's father. Miles Quaritch. These avatars had to have been part of his group; Quatrich died just before Ilyana was born, so it was impossible.

"Check 'em for weapons." She hears from below. Tuk's cries for Kiri and Ilyana filled the far from peaceful atmosphere though Ilyana prayed to ewya that she wouldn't blow her cover.
"Be calm." Kiri told the girl.

"Shut up! Don't move the avatars ordered."

"What have we here?" The guy who looked to be the big boss asked his pack.

"Hey, Colonel... check it out. Four fingers."


Ilyana looked down to her own set of four fingers and furrowed her brows.
"We got a half-breed."

The man looks at Kiri again as the other pulls her queue before turning around to face Lo'ak.
"Show me your fingers."
Lo'ak lifts up his hand flipping the man off.

"Your his, aren't you?" He says referring to their father, Jake Sully. Lo'ak hissed in response.
"You're his, all right."

In most cases, Ilyana would laugh at his foolish decision but this time she completely ignored it placing a arrow into her bow and releasing it landing right into one of the men.
Clean shot.

The man grabs her brothers queue.
"Where is he?"

"Sorry, I don't speak English.. to buttholes." Lo'ak replies in Na'vi.

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