VOL. 1, Ch. 0.5 - Prologue: New Millennium

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City of Dorsariki
Nation of Casovyo, Casovyih Continent
Year 1999, fifth year of Orosima
Moroskai 31 (Friday 31st), Tchimekt (December)
1820h, West Casovyih Time (WCT)


The sun was soon to set over the landscape of the city Dorsariki once more, the brilliant light fading across the streets and roads now occupied with the usual hustle and bustle. Many come and go around the market districts of Dorsariki, eager to buy and even more so to haggle with merchants.

In the entertainment districts however, things had already begun to heat up both figuratively and literally. A large wooden bonfire tower was being set up for the welcoming of the new millennia on the widest street in the area. Neatly cordoned off with ample room around the building zone, members of the community coordinated the set-up of the two-storey tall wooden tower in great jubilance for what was to come. Some carried bits of wood with their hands, whilst others began to levitate pieces up to the higher sections of the tower for builders to use.

Many who were not partaking in the construction effort happily enjoyed themselves in the multiple drinking holes around the entertainment district, probably awaiting the countdown of the city clock tower affectionately named the Dorsariki Venkopp (Dorsariki Timekeeper) by the residents of the city.

Soon beneath the setting sun passed two hours, and at the evening time of 2020h celebrations were well underway out on the streets and in the entertainment establishments.

It was in one of these brightly-lit pubs, seated by a solid wooden raised counter, that a peculiar female character raised her hand high up.

"Hey bartender, get me a Red Knight cocktail!"

"Alright, a Red Knight for the lady in green it is!"

It was seemingly only a minute before a sparkling cherry-red drink was set down on the counter. A man appeared and sat down on the seat next to the lady in the green dress.

"Oh Morlik, you're finally here"

"Of course Akriss, I can't just miss out on the eve of the new millennium... you know I couldn't."

As Morlik affixed himself to one of the counter seats, he ordered a drink for himself.

"Bartender, good sir, I'll have a Seaside Breeze please!"

Akriss Nonavus was a red-haired instructor and part-time researcher at the Dorsariki Institute of Kareinrordis (Magic Warfare). At 23 years old she had accomplished what many Cosovyonians considered to be the work of a genius in the making. She sought to improve the application of magic in several fields.

Morlik Afara was a green-haired male and design department lead of a weapons forging company at 26 years of age. Most days are boring, simply tending to the orders of a few eager private customers for new private arms such as short daggers and ornamental swords. On good days however, the government would award contracts for weapons to be issued to the Casovyonian military.

"Your Seaside Breeze, enjoy.", uttered the bartender as he stepped away to tend to another customer at the bar counter.

Morlik nodded in thanks, and brought the bright blue drink closer.

"So... 'kriss, how was work? I bet the fellas at the Institute have energy drinks to keep themselves up at night researching-"

"It's not been too much in recent days actually, funny you should say that..."

She straightens her posture on the stool.

"I guess my department sorted everything out before the eve of the upcoming year, to the relief of me and my overworked colleagues. How about you, what have you been up to these last few days?"

"I've been trying to figure out if there was any way to cut down on material costs forging weaponry without hurting the quality of the final product. I don't want to get jailed for selling the government and the military substandard equipment just to pocket chump change with the rise in material prices this year..."

"You know, sounds like you could try proposing some new magical enhancements to those crossbows you manufacture for the army."

"You know how well the last time we did that went... we had our in-house enchanter try to make magical high-explosive bolts but the poor soul who had the fortune of testing it had the bolt explode in his left hand from mana instability..."

Morlik shudders at the thought of that day on the company test range.

"Dude nearly lost his fingers that day, and the enchanter... nearly all of his working reputation within the field. It was a wonder that the enchanter managed to save his own skin...

"Good Lord Malsha, what did the enchanter do?"

"...by successfully proposing a magically enhanced crossbow bolt that could explode on impact, but which utilised a reduced amount of mana to prevent unstable self-destructions."

"Personally though... I don't think crossbows would last on the battlefield for too much longer even with those explosive bolts, that 'New Theory of Magical Application in Modern Warfare' your buddies at the Institute published a while ago does provide some compelling reasoning..."

"...oh nevermind that, it's already night and we're in a pub drinking cocktails on the eve of the new millennium right off work. We should enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime moment of our era when we can."

"Sounds like a good plan to me, Mr. Rambler. That bonfire tower outside looks real fun though, let's go there and also watch Dorsariki Venkopp strike midnight shall we?"

"You bet."


"To a new millennium?"

"To a new millennium."


And so the eve of the new year draws closer to a halt each passing moment. At the bonfire tower, now rigged with incendiary materials to be set alight at a moment's notice, city crowds have gathered at a distance to cheer for the new year. Soon, the signature countdown began.











A flash of light erupted from the tower, now lit high with bright orange flames and a rippling sound of whooshing from the flames, as Dorsariki Venkopp sounded its thunderous clock bell to signal the arrival of the new millennium.

The year of 2000 had finally come.

Unbeknownst to the citizens of this world, a series of events had now been set in motion which would change this world in ways nobody could have previously imagined.

Alliances would be forged, enemies would be declared, and a test of faith was to determine the futures of two worlds so different yet so similar at the same time.

An uncertain path towards the future awaited those unprepared to face it.


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