VOL. 1, Ch. 5.1 - Japan, Oceanbound.

415 13 3

Author's Notes

Short subchapter(?) here; I figured my story needed a future change in pacing and I won't be able to write much for a while due to academic work, so here is a very small chapter. Future chapters will hopefully focus more on one or two locations per chapter, instead of the two and three I've been doing recently.


Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Japan
May 20th, 2035
10:12, GMT+9


The overcast sky over Tokyo Bay imposed a gloomy atmosphere upon the many ports of the bustling metropolis that was the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. Clean-up operations continued around Greater Tokyo as more of the storm's devastation was collected and disposed of with the help of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces. With each piece of debris removed, the streets of the surrounding cities regained their vibrance and stores once more opened for business to the eager public.

In the famous Kabukichō district of Shinjuku, many fastened their eyes on the NHK news segment broadcasted on the screens on the side of a retail complex. The Japanese were vested in the developments of the strange structure which appeared out of seemingly nowhere in the bay after the devastating storm, for many believed it to be an event of unparalled historical significance and a superstitious sign of things to come for their nation.

On the broadcast and high above the bustling streets, UH-2 utility helicopters swept through the air ferrying crucial personnel and supplies for the establishment of a command post and temporary base of operations. Amongst the ordinary traffic, a column of Type 25 ICVs rumbled through with the escort assistance of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police and elements of the JGSDF. Members of the public gazed in awe as the wheeled behemoths travelled south to Yokosuka, yet their spirits remained uncertain in the face of the scientific anomaly a stone's throw away from the heart of the country.

At the Maritime Self-Defense Forces Yokosuka District Headquarters, Prime Minister Yoshikawa Hiroto stepped out of his government limousine to a crowd of reporters gathering behind guarded barriers. Amidst the barrage of questions he now found himself in there were no questions he could, or would, answer if he wanted to not be held to any reckless promises. Thus, the prime minister proceeded silently into the headquarters and disappeared behind its doors for an important meeting.

"Admiral Aizawa, good morning to you."

"I must say the same to you, prime minister. Thank you for coming here, the briefing room is this way. There is much to do."

Chief of Maritime Staff, Admiral Aizawa Kōhei led the esteemed prime minister down the modest halls of the headquarters, and into a room at the end of a long corridor. As both stepped through the doors, the group of officers huddled to the side of the room noticed and took their bows.

"Prime Minister, we have some information on the island chain beyond the gate. Please have a seat."

As the prime minister settled down on a nearby swivel chair, Vice Admiral Kōno Reiji switched the large display in the room to show a collage of photographs of the islands beyond the gate. He grabbed a remote and presenter's stick placed on the table, and pointed at the photographs as each appeared on-screen.

"There are four islands in the chain, three of which are small. The main island is of medium size, about comparable to Tsushima in size and shape."

"All four islands are inhabited and are settled by human-like or humanoid beings. The biggest settlement is a coastal city located on the main island, with smaller settlements dotted around and on the other islands. However, there is something more pressing."

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