VOL. 1, Ch. 6 - The Strangers Beyond

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Uncharted Territory
May 20th, 2035
1124h, Eastern Standard Time (EST)


At last, it was the moment of truth.

"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", as the commonly-misheard version of the saying goes, described perfectly the moment the first Earthly humans marched in modest strides through the mysterious Gate Mayflower of New York.

Troops of the 82nd Airborne Division were the first to enter, serving to secure the area ahead and prepare the individuals on the other side to receive the delegation convoy. The tall, intimidating M-ATVs of the 82nd proceeded through right after their brethren stepped through on foot.

Men disappeared behind the deep, blue wall of fluid-like matter one body at a time, one squad at a time, and soon one troop-carrying four-wheeled rolling steel box at a time. The area ahead was to be deemed secured first before the primary convoy with Ambassador Reeds and his entourage could enter safely. The air around the immediate vicinity of Gate Mayflower remained remarkably stale to the nose.

The American diplomatic mission sat under the protection of Delta Force operators in their own MRAPs, whilst the elements of the 75th Ranger Regiment inched forward ever closer half on foot and half in their stripped-down, nearly Gulf War-era GMV-Rs. The protection configuration of these old relics assigned to the first contact mission was scant - there were not even doors for armour. For use by the Rangers, this was good enough as the absence of heavier armour made for better vehicle mobility; its presence should still be enough to send a clear message.

Staff Sgt. Darby watched the men ahead disappear "beyond the blue", as was now the popular phrase on-site for those who were presented the jackpot job of going through Mayflower.

Behind him were the rest of his hardy convoy, and further away the commissioned officers responsible for planning this history-defining mission. This mission would probably determine the future of the United States, and he would do his part dutifully. If all went well, the US would have tons to gain from friendly diplomatic relations with the countries, leadership, or governments on the other side. However, a fault here would jeopardise their position and possibly any future prospects with the otherworldly people, thus he too acknowledged the weight of his own contribution and that of the several Rangers he led.

"Warner, Mayfield, Kilburn, Baillie, you'll be with me."

"Delgado, Scofield, Fern, Seth, you follow behind and keep watch of our 9 and 3 in the vic."

"Got it, sergeant!"

"Remember, weapons hold. Nothing intimidating for our friends on the other side." explained Darby.

As Adam finished up with his notably brief commands, Colonel Kirkland received news of the successful forward-area preparation beyond Mayflower. The atmosphere tensed up, each next move making successive contributions to the overall mission. The time was up now for the main convoy to proceed, starting with the Rangers.

Whispers travelled between the Colonel and First Sergeant, then between the First Sergeant and Sergeant First Class. Promptly, the next order was issued.

"Rangers up! Now's your time to go! Move in!"

The men of the 75th Ranger Regiment marched forwards into the gate, squad after squad. Their GMV-Rs followed close behind with footmobile Rangers guiding the vehicles through the gate to avoid collisions, but also to provide immediate support if things went awry in the middle of the convoy's entry. The ambassador's entourage, guarded by the venerated SFOD-1, followed behind the Rangers maintaining their bodyguard stance.

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