3.are we really doing it?

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Tendou: not to rush things but....if I could somehow convice shirabu on doing "it" with you rn, would you accept it??

*Semi's face turns bright red at that suggestion, but he nods*

Semi: Y-Yes I would, without a doubt!

*He says right away, his voice sounding slightly flustered, but he seems determined*

*shirabu who has been listening to the whole conversation, comes out of the door, and goes in their direction while looking down*

*Semi turns to look as Shirabu approaches them and his eyes light up*

Semi: Shirabu! I missed you!

*He says, smiling softly at him, and his voice has a slight tone of relief. It was like he had been waiting all day for him to arrive. He seems very happy now that his partner is here, his face shining with affection*

Semi: How have you been today? Was it okay for you to miss practice today?

*shirabu grabs semi wrist and says that he needs to talk with him alone, shirabu drags semi to their dorms, leaving tendou behind, who already knows what shirabu is going to do*

*Semi blushes when he gets grabbed by the wrist, and he follows along willingly with what he's told to do. He's pretty sure he can guess what he's about to talk about, but he's still a bit nervous. He feels excited and a little bit scared of what's coming... his heart starts beating a bit faster as they get alone and he thinks about what might happen*

Semi: We're alone now, what is so important...?

*He asks, staring at Shirabu in curiosity. He's slightly nervous, but he's also eager to see where this leads*

*as they reach semi's dorm shirabu makes him sit on the bed and locks the door*

*Semi sits down on the bed and looks at Shirabu with a curious and nervous look on his face as he waits to see what's next. You can tell he's getting excited and that his nerves are slightly on edge. But he's not going to back down - he's ready for what will come*

Semi: What are you doing?

*He asks, his voice seeming both interested and cautious at the same time*

shirabu: I'm locking the door just to make sure

*shirabu turns to semi and walks towards him, sitting on his lap, making semi surprise by his actions*

shirabu: so.....I hear from tendou that you wanted to f#ck me?

*shirabu looks at him with a serious face*

*As Shirabu sits on his lap and asks the question, Semi looks surprised - but his surprise quickly shifts into a wide smile and a deep blush. He looks up at Shirabu, his eyes filled with excitement as his heart skips a beat*

Semi: Y-Yes... I do...

*He says right away, his voice sounding a little nervous. This is exactly what he wanted, he couldn't be any happier to be so close to Shirabu here and now. It's a dream come true in this moment*

Shirabu:well then, why don't we make it happen?

*shirabu smiled at semi, and moved to provoce him*

-Semi raises an eyebrow at Shirabu's question and then blushes even more as another wave of excitement washes over him. He nods his head and replies:

Semi: Yes!

*You can tell just how much he wants it, his eyes now practically glistening. He seems both eager and nervous, but he doesn't care*

Semi: Please... I want it so bad...

*shirabu laughs*

shirabu:well then go ahead, I'm all yours~

*Semi's blush deepens and his heart starts beating even faster as he hears that. He nods again in agreement as Shirabu tells him to go on, and without another word, Semi grabs both of the other boy's wrists and pulls him in, kissing him softly and gently. He seems so happy that he gets to be with someone like Shirabu - this is the perfect scenario for him.
He's not going to let the perfect moment slip by, not when he wants this so badly. He moves a little closer to Shirabu and deepens the kiss*

*shirabu wraps his arms around semi neck, shirabu feels his hands on his thighs raising up, shirabu decide to just let semi do whatever he wants*

*Semi's hands move up as he grabs the other boy's thighs - his heartbeat seeming to beat faster with every caress. He moves into the kiss - it feels amazing being so close to the man he loves.
After a few seconds in, he slightly pulls away just to look at Shirabu*

Semi: I love you... so much...

*He says, before kissing Shirabu again. Semi seems completely consumed by his love right now*

*shirabu doesn't say anything he just lets semi take the lead, he has been waitin for this moment for such a long time*

*Semi holds him there for another few seconds, before finally pulling away again. He looks at Shirabu, a giant smile on his face as he sees him*

Semi: You know... this is everything I wanted.

*He says, his voice sounding slightly breathy. You could tell just how passionate he is at the moment about this*

Semi: ...I love you so much...

*He smiles widely and caresses Shirabu's face, staring at him with a loving, adoring stare*

Semi: I'm so happy you're mine...

*shirabu looks pissed about the waiting*

shirabu:will you please shut up, and fuck me?

*Semi's face turns bright red and he looks at him in shock as he hears that. A slight nervous squeak comes out of him and he suddenly feels even more excited than he already was. He nods eagerly after a few seconds, his face showing all of his feelings as he smiles*

Semi: Y-Yes, right... I'm sorry...

*He says, a little embarrassed that he forgot his manners for a second. He was too overwhelmed by his emotions*

*shirabu rolls his eyes and kisses semi again*

*Shirabu's kiss once again sends a wave of excitement through Semi's body, sending his pulse racing and his heartbeat to rise. His breath starts speeding up again as it feels like a rush. A wave of pleasure comes over him as he kisses back with passion and affection, closing his eyes and getting lost in the moment*

*He moves his arms, wrapping them around Shirabu as he pulls the other boy closer, putting more pressure with the kiss*

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