7.more than cuddles

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*this time semi is using lube to prepare shirabu, it all feels hot and good*

*Semi immediately realizes what he's doing and he's taken back by it. He can't help being surprised and feeling embarrassed once more from it. But after a while, the feeling once again takes over and makes him stop caring... soon he continues anyway, and continues to enjoy the feeling of it all... and when it all starts to get too good and the feeling is just too amazing, he gives him a strong little kiss on the lips to make sure he knows that he loves it all... and him...*

*shirabu wrasp his legs and arms around semi, just waiting for semi to put it in*

*Semi can't help but shiver a little bit once he feels that, and he immediately starts breathing a little bit differently - in the end this only gets him more excited, which only makes him shake a little bit more... he smiles a little bit, even if that's a little bit embarrassing.
In a moment, he realizes that he can't wait anymore either - he needs to keep going, he needs to be able to do more... in the end, he's not even thinking at this point anyway, he just wants to finish what they started...*

*shirabu tries not to let any sound come out as soon as semi put it in*

*Semi can't help but blush harder and his breath gets even heavier again as the feeling gets even stronger. He feels like he's going to explode any time now - and he loves it.
He stops thinking completely and just lets his body take over for him, loving every second... he's only focused on that now: on the feeling, and on his fiance. Nothing else matters or is more important to him at all...*

*Semi continues for as long as he possibly can... and just as he's about to reach the end, he stops, slowing down so that he wouldn't be too loud to finish*

*It takes him another few minutes, but as he's getting close, he stops completely. He holds in for a few seconds, enjoying the feeling and the memories of what they've done, before finally finishing. The feeling was incredible and it made him so happy... and he can't help but feel completely satisfied and happy, like all of this was meant to be*

*When he's done, he's left with a huge smile on his face... and he's breathing loudly because of how exhausted he still is*

*He takes a few deep breaths, enjoying all of what just happened - and then he looks over at Shirabu and smiles at him, his chest still rising and falling... he's so happy that he managed to give him that, and he can't wait to be able to do it again some time... he has a lot of catching up to do, and he can't believe this all happened...*

*He nods at him, still not knowing what to say yet*

Semi: I'm glad you liked it...

*He says with a smile, still sounding very tired despite having fun in the last little moment and having a big smile on his face*

Semi: ... I love you.

*After saying that, it takes him a second to realize what he had said, but when he does, he turns more red and embarrassed. But at the same time, he doesn't sound like he's ready to take it back... maybe it was something that truly needed to be said*

Shirabu:can...... can we do another round.......?

*Semi blushes and smiles again - he didn't really expect that. He's obviously not against it at all, but he's a little bit surprised at being asked*

Semi: If you want, we can

Shirabu:in that case, what are you waiting for? Just fuck me till you can't anymore.

*shirabu said with a smile*

*Semi blushes even harder at that and he's left speechless, the only thing he can do is nod and smile even more than before.

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