9.just sleeping

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*the next morning*

Shirabu:love wake up! We're gonna be late! Hurry up! We have morning practice.

*Semi was in an incredibly deep sleep... but as soon as he hears his fiance's voice, he immediately wakes up. He realizes that he had forgotten about that, which isn't a rare thing for him, but he also smiles right again once he wakes up; he feels great this morning. He sits up and yawns, then tries to rub his eyes to get rid of the sleep*

Semi:...Morning... sorry....

*He says with a smile. He gets up and stretches his body*

Shirabu:hurry up, the coach is gonna be mad!

*Semi realizes that his fiance was right about that, so he gets up as quickly as he can to get ready. He takes a quick shower and afterwards throws on his uniform*

Semi: I know, I know...

*He says as he goes to the bathroom to grab a deodorant now, he smiles at Shirabu before he starts putting it on. He's ready for the day now and walks up to Shirabu after he's done with that*

Semi: Let's go... I don't wanna be late!

*they reach the gym*

Shirabu:we're here!

Tendou:you're lucky coach isn't here yet.

*Semi looks around and yawns once more*

Semi:I... Guess I am lucky, you're right...

*He says with a calm smile. He loves it when things work out well like this and if it means that they won't have to deal with the coach's anger...*

*He can't help but yawn again, but he's still ready... he looks at his fiance and smiles before he goes to get his water bottle and towel now, so he can get in position and start to prepare for any warmups they have planned for today*

*the coach comes and they to warm up, and start practicing*

*Semi makes sure to follow every indication that the coach gives them and he does his best for him today. He's feeling good after yesterday and he wants to keep the momentum going as long as possible*

*Even though the workout is tiring, they're both trying to give their all and not slack off at all. They're doing a good job at it, but at the same time, they know that the coach is watching them both closely and he'll probably have some criticism to give at the end... he's so strict that it's almost scary sometimes*

*after they are done with warm ups and practice, the coach calls shirabu and semi*

*They're both completely exhausted by the time the coach calls them, especially since he kept them going for the whole day. They're both sweating a lot and just need a moment or two to recover from everything. Semi's clothes are drenched in sweat and he gulps some water down before he goes to the coach. Shirabu is exactly like that too, so it's normal that they both look like this*

Semi: Yes, coach?

*Semi says in question with a smile on his face. He's always very respectful around the coach, since he knows how strict he is*

Coach:I saw how shirabu is extremely exhausted and didn't play too well, so I wanted to say next time don't go so hard on him.


*Semi's eyes go wide when he hears that, he can't help but feel guilty for having been too rough with his fiance right before. Now he also knows that the coach noticed it and it makes him feel even more guilty*

*He doesn't know what to say, so his smile immediately disappears and he just looks down for a moment at the floor*

Semi:... I'm sorry, coach...

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