6.more than sleeping?

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*When he listens to the audio recording, his face turns red once again. It only takes him a few seconds to understand and realize what it was, and what exactly it contained. Now he knows he's truly embarrassed*

*In the moment it gets to the louder parts, more than once in the recording, he immediately covers his face to not get anything else out*

*And yet, against all of that, he keeps listening over and over again. The fact that he could hear just how he was feeling and his reactions during everything... it felt good; he couldn't help but enjoy reliving everything*

*with all the sounds, shirabu ended waking up, as soon as semi realizes he closed the audio, and gave shirabu a kiss on his forehead*

*Semi suddenly closed the audio when he noticed that Shirabu had woken up. That makes him panic and feel overwhelmed, and he quickly hides the phone before turning his head to look at him. As he sees him, he smiles and gives him a kiss on the forehead*

Semi: Good morning...

*He says with a blush, hoping that Shirabu wouldn't notice the audio clip or its title and start asking questions. He's not sure if he's ready to answer those questions - especially considering how embarrassed the whole thing makes him feel*

*shirabu notice that semi hidded his phone and was blushing,shirabu heard the conversation between him and tendou, so he knew that the reason why semi hidded his phone was bc of the audio recording, so he trought he wouldn't say anything about it*

*When he realized that Shirabu had probably gotten the picture, he sighs and takes a deep breath. He feels like he's out of options, so instead of trying to deny everything he just stares at him silently for a while, expecting the worst*

*After a few seconds of pure silence, he speaks up again*

Semi: You heard it, didn't you?

*The question isn't really to find out whether or not he heard it, but rather to see what he's going to do or say next*

shirabu:I didn't heard it....but I know about the audio recording, I heard you and tendou's conversation....
shirabu then buries his face on semi chest.

*Semi's face turns red again when he hears that the truth has been found out. He starts to think of what he's done wrong, and that only makes him even more embarrassed - but as Shirabu buries his face in his chest, he feels a little better.
He hugs him as tight as he can, wanting to make sure his fiance feels loved and not hurt by anything that happened or was said; that's the most important to him and he'll go out of his way to make sure he knows that that's what he wants*

shirabu:you can still listen to it if you want....I'm just going back to sleep....

*Semi blushes yet again, but this time he just smiles at him even if that's embarrassing. He takes that as a sign that Shirabu doesn't care about the whole situation, and instead of trying to say anything, he just goes along with it. He also kisses Shirabu on the cheek to make sure he knows that he loves him still*

Semi: Alright then...

*He says with a blush, sounding tired still - but happy at the same time as he gives him a soft smile*

*shirabu imediatly fell asleep,so semi noticed it so he played the audio, he tried not to get excited down there, cause he wasn't sure what would shrabu do*

*As he listens to the audio, he feels his face get hotter and hotter. He can't help but blush even harder as he listens to it, but he's also surprised by how good it makes him feel. He has to fight every urge he has to make some noise. For a few seconds, he even gets close to giving in, but he manages to stop himself. In the end, it's still an incredible feeling and memory that he'll cherish for the rest of his life...*

*shirabu puts one of his legs btw semi's, and semi didn't mind that, and all of the suddent, he felt shirabu moving his leg in btw(if yk what I mean)*

*Semi blushes again, not being able to help or control the effect that he had on his fiance. He feels his heart start beating faster than before and he starts to shake a little bit. It's a little hard to believe that he's actually doing all of this with Shirabu, but at the same time, it makes him so happy and gives him some incredible feelings*

At the thought of it all, he starts to get even hotter and redder than before... it's a little hard to breath like this, but he loves it all...*

*semi thought that shirabu was still asleep, but shirabu decide to take things a little furder, by putting his hands on it*

*Semi feels a shock throughout his body and the feeling makes him stop breathing for a moment because it's so sudden. He starts breathing heavily again and turns red once more, feeling both surprised and turned on by what's going on with them. He's not even thinking clearly anymore - all he can do is react to what his body wants*

*shirabu is still touching it, and semi doesn't know if he can handle it anymore*

Semi:shirabu.....stop pls.....I don't think I can hold it anymore.....

Shirabu:then don't hold it love~

*Semi starts shaking a little more because of the feeling. For a moment, he's thinking of asking him to stop, but the feeling is just too good and intense... it's like a wave that makes him feel better each time. After a moment, he looks at him and nods*

*Even if he can't handle it, he loves the feeling and the sensation too much to tell him to stop - at this moment, it's the only thing he wants; to keep going*

*semi can't hold it any longer so gets in top of shirabu, shirabu's smilling, makes semi just wanting to get over his body*

*When he sees that Shirabu is doing nothing to stop him and is even smiling, he can't help but be even more motivated to keep going - to feel and to love. He goes over him, his heart beating even faster at this point and his breathing getting heavier as well.
In that moment, he's not even thinking anymore about anything but his fiance, and he's just doing what his body wants him to do...*

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